Dev Logs
Home Page + Nav Bar Update + New Group Link Directory!
Posted 1 week ago :: Last edited 1 week ago by MouseHey all! I'm here with our second ever dev log - and this one's a big one!
In our Member Survey, several members suggested improving the home page as well as the nav bar / overall navigation of the site. Today, we deliver!
Home Page Update
The World of Lingua home page has received a crisp new look! It includes:
- A new sidebar - All user-specific links (some that you could find on the home page, others that were previously only reachable via the "Home" and "Activity" nav bar dropdown) are now easily visible in our new sidebar! In turn, the nav bar and home page itself could be significantly decluttered.
- Recent Characters and Recent Gallery Submissions are now visible on our home page!
- Spotlight member, Paralogos and Whiffling are now also visible on our home page and will change each month accordingly.
New Group Link Directory
We now have a Group Link Directory - This page functions as a hub that connects all information on our site, making it much easier to find whatever you're looking for!
- The directory includes almost all links that you previously had to find directly via the nav bar, as well as all links that were previously hidden behind several layers of links (f.e. the Past Events page).
- In the context of hidden pages: The Legacy Word Claims and Triceridos Idiom Claims pages were combined into one Word Claims page which can now be found in the directory.
- In particular, we've included activity-related lore pages in the directory, such as Paralogos Magic Progression or Whiffling Crowns. (No need to worry, they are still part of our Lore section too.)
- The directory's sidebar will stick around when you click on one of its links, meaning you can click through pages much easier now!
Nav Bar Decluttering
The nav bar has been simplified! Thanks to this update (see above), we were able to remove/reduce a lot of visual clutter and redundant links in the nav bar. It should now overall become much easier to navigate the site. It might require some getting used to at first, but we promise it's worth it!
We hope you like this update and that it succeeds in improving navigation and overall clarity of the site!
We'd love to hear your thoughts about these changes, particularly if you have any specific feedback on what could still be improved in these regards!
Dev Logs & New Earning Currency page
Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by MouseHey all! As you can see here, we've added a Dev Log to this site since we intend on updating and upgrading it now that I (Mouse) have finally got my hands into the code !
Dev Logs are here!
From now on, you can expect "News" posts to only contain fun ARPG-related content such as monthly spotlights, events, GA calls, etc. while "Dev Log" posts will inform you of changes to the site itself or rule/balancing changes to the "game" (f.e. our recent changes to "Pixelart" currency earnings).
While we recommend checking out new Dev Logs in case of rule changes, you are able to disable notifications for new Dev Logs in your account settings.
Additionally, we have consolidated News, Dev Logs and Sales into one "Updates" tab in the nav bar to reduce visual clutter and as a first step to improve on-site navigation. When any of these three pages has received an update, "Updates" will be highlighted (like you're already used to with News and Sales). The dropdown item of the page that has received an update will then be highlighted as well, so you'll know exactly what has changed!
New Earning Currency page
Our Earning Currency page has been redesigned! We hope the new formatting is easier to read and understand, especially for new members.
This redesign comes with a few rule changes to simplify our currency systems:
- Similar to our recent changes to collaboration rewards, art that includes reused work (f.e. bases) will now simply receive half of the currency value of the piece (rounded up).
- Previously, background bonuses on pieces that included both Paralogos and Whifflings were doubled (meaning they were granted once in Ink and once in Bottlecaps). We have simplified this to work the same way as pieces that only contain Caretakers, meaning that from now on background bonuses in pieces with both Paralogos and Whifflings will be granted half in Ink and half in Bottlecaps (rounded up).
- "Simple" and "Complex" backgrounds have been renamed to "Abstract" and "Scenic" backgrounds to better reflect their requirements.
- The "Currency Awards" section on gallery submissions has been adjusted to better reflect our currency system. These changes are as follows:
- Added "Other Type of Art" as a Piece Type option to better account for 3D art, videos, music or anything else that does not fall under the existing categories
- Added separate checkboxes for Spotlight Paralogos and Spotlight Whiffling for cases where both are included in a piece
- Renamed "Writing and Poetry" to "Literature" for consistency
- Removed "Painted" option since we do not differentiate between "colored & shaded" VS "painted"
- Renamed background bonuses, as outlined above
- Renamed "Pixelart" to "Tiny Art"
- Renamed "Bases (P2U/F2U) or YCH" to "Includes Reused Work (On Base or YCH)"
That's all for now, but we've got more great updates planned!