Earning Currency

Ink (1-icon.png) and Bottlecaps (2-icon.png) are the respective currencies for Paralogos (1-icon.png) and Whifflings (2-icon.png) and can be used in various shops to buy MYO items, character upgrades or similar.

How to earn Ink and Bottlecaps

Ink and Bottlecaps (in the following referred to as "Currency") can be earned in various ways (including from opening Loot items or event rewards), but the most consistent and permanently available of these methods is submitting art/writing to the gallery.

Earning Currency as an Artist

You earn Currency for each piece of art and/or writing that you personally create and submit to the gallery.
To submit art/writing to the gallery:

  1. Select the appropriate gallery folder and click on "+" or "+ Submit"
  2. If you're submitting visual art, upload the it in the "Image" section.
  3. If you're submitting written art, paste it in the "Text" section.
  4. Give the piece a title. You do not have to indicate the purpose of a piece, f.e. whether it is a gift or a prompt entry. An indicator is generated automatically.
  5. Add all World of Lingua characters that are included in your piece in the "Characters" section by entering their Character Codes, which can be found on the masterlist (f.e. Ginkgo's Character Code is "PARA-01-Ginkgo").
  6. If your piece was created in collaboration with another member, add them and their role in the "Collaborators" section.
  7. If your piece includes another member's character(s), add them and their role in the "Participants" section. You can add as many participants as you need.
  8. Fill out the "Currency Awards" section based on the characteristics of your piece. The exact meaning of each term will be explained below.
  9. If the piece is intended as a submission for an event or prompt, select the appropriate prompt in the "Prompt" section. Make sure to submit your gallery submission to the prompt itself afterwards.
  10. When you have completed all previous steps, click on "Submit".

Once submitted, an admin will look over your submission and award you the appropriate amount of currency. Please note that this process is manual and may take a few days.

Earning Currency as a Collaborator

If you create art and/or writing in collaboration with one or more members, each of you is eligible for Currency rewards.
Exactly one (1) of the collaborators has to submit the piece to the gallery (as outlined above), while the other collaborators have to approve the submission. As long as all other collaborators are listed in the "Collaborators" section of the gallery submission form, all collaborators will automatically receive their equal share of the earned Currency.

Earning Currency as a Recipient of Art/Writing

If someone has created art and/or writing of at least one of your official World of Lingua characters, you will earn Currency for it.

  • If the artist has an account on this website, they simply have to submit their artwork to the gallery (as outlined above) and you will automatically receive the appropriate amount of Currency.
  • If the artist does not have an account of this website and doesn't intend on changing this, you may instead submit their art/writing via the Off-Site Currency Rewards prompt.

How Currency Rewards are calculated


If several people work on a single piece of art or writing, each collaborator gets equal shares of the total currency value of the piece (rounded up). This means that f.e. a piece that is worth 10 ink made by three collaborators earns each of them 4 ink.

Reused Work

If your artwork makes use of either someone else's work (with permission, f.e. bases) or parts of your own work that have already been submitted to the gallery (f.e. reused lineart or backgrounds), you will earn half of the currency value of the piece (rounded up).

Art that isn't 2D Art or Literature

Currency earnings for 3D art, videos and other types of art that were not mentioned anywhere on this page will be determined on a case-by-case basis to make sure efforts that go above and beyond get properly rewarded.

Reward Categorization

Currency rewards are listed in ranges of three. Which number in the range you receive is dependant on which of the following three categories you fall into:

(1) Receiving Art from Someone Else
  • If someone else creates art of your World of Lingua character (either as a commission or a gift).
  • You receive the first number in the range (if f.e. the range is 1-3 1-icon.png, you will receive 1 1-icon.png ).
(2) Creating Personal or Commissioned Art
  • If you draw your own World of Lingua character (for any reason) or draw someone else's (as a commissioned work or part of a trade). 
  • You receive the second number in the range (if f.e. the range is 1-3 1-icon.png, you will receive 2 1-icon.png ).
(3) Creating Gift Art
  • If you draw somebody else's World of Lingua character as gift art (no payment received).
  • You receive the third number in the range (if f.e. the range is 1-3 1-icon.png, you will receive 3 1-icon.png ).

Base Values

Headshots & Busts
Tiny Art
Paralogos, Whifflings or Caretakers
Sketch 1-3 1-icon.png2-icon.png 2-4 1-icon.png2-icon.png 1-3 1-icon.png2-icon.png
Lineart 2-4 1-icon.png2-icon.png 3-5 1-icon.png2-icon.png 1-3 1-icon.png2-icon.png
Flat Colors 3-5 1-icon.png2-icon.png 5-7 1-icon.png2-icon.png 2-4 1-icon.png2-icon.png
Colored & Shaded 5-7 1-icon.png2-icon.png 7-9 1-icon.png2-icon.png 2-4 1-icon.png2-icon.png
Companions or Pets
Sketch or Lineart 0-2 1-icon.png2-icon.png 1-3 1-icon.png2-icon.png 0-2 1-icon.png2-icon.png
Colored or Shaded 1-3 1-icon.png2-icon.png 2-4 1-icon.png2-icon.png 1-3 1-icon.png2-icon.png


  • Headshots & Busts refers to any art that's showing less than 50% of the character.
  • Fullbodies refers to any art that's showing 50% or more of the character.
  • Tiny Art refers to any art that has the dimensions 50x50 or less. This includes both pixelart and "regular" art, provided it is at or below this size.

Bonus Values

The following values are added to the base values when applicable.

  • Abstract: +1-3 1-icon.png2-icon.png
    • This includes abstract backgrounds, as well as scenery without any concrete elements (f.e. just a sky). As long as it's not something you slapped together in under a minute (f.e. a solid color, simple gradient, or stock texture in digital art or colored paper in traditional art), it counts.
  • Scenic: +3-5 1-icon.png2-icon.png
    • This includes backgrounds which depict a scenery. This implies the existence of concrete elements in the fore- and/or background, f.e. plants, furniture, etc.

This section refers to *.gif or similar animations that are meant to enhance a 2D artwork. For longer animations/videos, refer to the "Other Types of Art" category.

  • Simple: +1-3 1-icon.png2-icon.png
    • This includes small animations on parts of the image, f.e. blinking or sparkling.
  • Average: +3-5 1-icon.png2-icon.png
    • This includes significant movements on parts of the character, f.e. bobbing or tail movements.
  • Complex: +6-8 1-icon.png2-icon.png
    • This includes anything where the whole character performs complex movements, f.e. running or flying.
Spotlight Character(s)

You receive this bonus if your artwork includes one (or both) Spotlight Characters. The chosen characters change at the beginning of each month.

  • Spotlight Paralogos: +3 1-icon.png
  • Spotlight Whiffling: +3 2-icon.png
Which Currency do you get when?
  • Base values of Paralogos and Companions are rewarded in 1-icon.png and base values of Whifflings and Pets are rewarded in 2-icon.png. Meanwhile, base values of Caretakers are rewarded half in 1-icon.png and half in 2-icon.png (rounded up).
  • Background bonuses are rewarded based on the character(s) in the piece - if both Paralogos/Companions and Whifflings/Pets are present in a piece (or a piece only includes Caretakers), the background bonus will be rewarded half in 1-icon.png and half in 2-icon.png (rounded up).
  • Animation bonuses are rewarded based on the species of the character who is animated.

Reward Categorization

Unlike drawn arts, literature gives rewards purely based on word count. How much currency you receive is dependant on which of the following three categories you fall into:

(1) Receiving Literature from Someone Else
  • You receive 1 1-icon.png2-icon.png for every 100 words.
  • If someone else writes about your World of Lingua character (either as a commission or a gift).
(2) Creating Personal or Commissioned Literature
  • You receive 1 1-icon.png2-icon.png for every 75 words.
  • If you write about your own World of Lingua character (for any reason) or write about someone else's (as a commissioned work or part of a trade).
(3) Creating Gift Literature
  • You receive 1 1-icon.png2-icon.png for every 50 words.
  • If you write about somebody else's World of Lingua character as gift art (no payment received).
  • For a written work to count as gift art, the character owned by someone else must have an active participation in the writing. This means just being mentioned by a character or being part of the background crowd is not enough. On the other hand, if they have a single spoken line or if they're performing some action in the background crowd, that would already count.

Note: If your word count is over halfway to the next milestone, we round up!
For the sake of transparency: wordcounter.net will always be used to get an accurate word count. It is advised for users to do the same before submission, to get the same results in word count.

Spotlight Character(s)

You receive this bonus if your written work includes one (or both) Spotlight Characters. The chosen characters change at the beginning of each month.

  • Spotlight Paralogos: +3 1-icon.png
  • Spotlight Whiffling: +3 2-icon.png

Which Currency do you get when?

If only one type of main species (Paralogos 1-icon.png or Whifflings 2-icon.png) is included in your piece, you will get your full currency rewards in that respective currency.
If your piece has both Paralogos and Whifflings, your final tally will be split in half, so you will earn half 1-icon.png and half 2-icon.png (rounded up).