As has been recorded in Chapter 3 - Magic, Paralogos are creatures who, with the aid of their owners/befriend, may grow into their own magical abilities surrounding their word. Here, it is recorded what a Paralogos needs to do in order to upgrade their abilities to the fullest potential! Please Note: Only Paralogos can complete Magic Prompts. A key note: Co-Owned Paralogos magic entries can be collaborations between co-owners. To find out how Whifflings can interact with magic, check out Annex 6 - Pet magic!
This Annex provides 2 sources of information:
1) A resource for a "prediction" of what a Paralogos' magical abilities might present as.
2) A record for how a Paralogos is doing in their magical progression and an official noting down of that fact.
It has been observed that Paralogos upgrade their magical abilities to each tier by doing the following:
Drawing: At least 1 Colored Fullbody
(+ information regarding their personality and tier 1 magic effect/ability)
A) You can add the information to a design update (MYO submissions, snapshots, or redesigns).
You won't receive any bonus Ink for this.
However, you're allowed to later submit a reference sheet and earn the bonus Ink retrospectively (see B).
B) Make a reference sheet that fulfills the requirements above and submit it to the Magic Progression Prompt.
This can be someone else's art, you won't get the +10 bonus magic Ink for that however.
Additionally, entries for all tiers must be unique, meaning you can't use 1 submission for multiple Paralogos or multiple submission types.
Possesses an attribute or minor effect loosely associated with their word.
Include information regarding their personality and their tier 1 magic effect/ability.
This should be a reference sheet of your Paralogos, though a single colored fullbody is enough.
The description should have the remaining information regarding personality and magic.
Requirements for Tier 2 and Above:
Drawing: At least 1 Colored Fullbody
Writing: At least 800 words total.
Additionally, entries for all tiers must be unique, meaning you can't use 1 submission for multiple Paralogos.
Can spot and/or find it easily and is very good at using/cooperating/communicating with "it".
Maybe they were in danger? Maybe they were relaxing and all of a sudden they noticed something! We want to hear how it happened.
Can repair/heal/fix their word focus.
Include a backstory as to how the entity got damaged and explain why the Paralogos wants to heal/fix/repair it.
Can manipulate their word focus, including the ability to move/control it to some extent.
If you chose manipulation: Why did they decide to manipulate it? Does it work or fail? How do they react to the result? Did something go wrong?
If you chose control: Why did they decide to control/move it? Does it work? Is your Para unsteady or does the entity even fight back? How do they react to the development? Does anything go wrong?
Can (temporarily) create/revive their word focus to some extent.
Why did they decide to create/revive it? Does it go seemingly well or are there any interferences/problems? Or does it even fail miserably? How does your Paralogos react to creating the entity? And how do they withstand the energy drainage? Was this done to help someone or something else?
Can temporarily shift their own appearance to something that more closely represents their word.
Design one or more shifted appearances of your Paralogos.
Why did they decide to use it? Does it go well or is it too unstable? How do they react to their sudden change of appearance?
This is a seriously dangerous magical ability-- most Paralogos will only use it a small amount of times. What caused your Paralogos to use it?
- Decide on the exact magic ability you wish to give your Paralogos.
- Note that these have to be done in order, meaning you can't give a Paralogos a tier 5 ability when they haven't completed tier 1-4 yet.
- If you are unsure what options you have, you can submit to the Magic Questions prompt to find out whether a certain ability would work or to ask for suggestions.
- Complete the drawing or writing requirements listed above.
- Your finished artwork/writing has to be submitted to the Magic Progression gallery.
- This step can be skipped if you use a Spark of Insight (instructions on how-to are below).
- Submit your gallery submission to the Magic Progression prompt and fill out the following form in the "comment" section:
Tier: (1-6)
What was learned?: (short description of the new ability) - Your submission will then be checked & approved by an admin, and the Paralogos' masterlist entry will be updated to reflect the newly acquired ability.
Please note that, unless you use a Spark of Insight, your submission will only be approved if you've submitted to both the gallery and the prompt.

To use a Spark of Insight, you will have to create a new claim.
In the comment field, please use the following form:
I would like to use a Spark of Insight to give [Paralogos ID/Code] their next magic tier.
Tier: [1-6]
Ability: [description of the ability]
- Please add the Paralogos' masterlist entry to your claim via the “add character” feature.
- For the URL, please write "using Spark of Insight"
- Don't select any reward (the reward is an update of the Paralogos' masterlist entry)
- Select one (1) Spark of Insight under "Add-Ons" to add it to the submission (and therefore, use it).

To use a De-Maginator, you will have to create a new claim.
In the comment field, please use the following form:
I would like to use a De-Maginator on [Paralogos ID/Code].
One or all abilities?: [one/all]
If only one, which?: [tier 1-6]
- Please add the Paralogos' masterlist entry to your claim via the “add character” feature.
- For the URL, please write “using De-Maginator”.
- Don’t select any reward (the reward is an update of the Paralogos’ masterlist entry)
- Select one (1) De-Maginator under “Add-Ons” to add it to the submission (and therefore, use it).