Flower Scent (Common)
Any scent that reflects a flowering entity, some examples: red rose, may lily, cherry blossom, etc.
Natural Scent (Common)
Any scent in the realm of including: woods, greens, natural unusuals. Woods being plants, or wood types in general, such as: logs, pine, maple, etc. Greens being non-flowering plant species and similar such as lemonbalm, parsley, etc. Natural unusuals being things in nature such as rainwater, meadow, or fruits.
Animalistic Scent (Common)
This scent category includes animals (such as wolf) & animal-adjacent smells such as honey or fur.
Mammalian Influence (Common)
This animal influence category does not include fish-adjacent/aquatic mammals like whales, dolphins, etc. Some mammals also have species-exclusive traits, depending on said species.
Copper Crown (Common)
Copper crowns are the lowest rank of Whiffling Crown. It grants you a Copper crown, of course. This crown can have any number of gems. Any style is allowed, and other less “plant based” natural material like stone is allowed as well. [A reminder, flower crowns/plant crowns are allowed in general and are not a trait.]
You can include the Crown the Whiffling is wearing on the Masterlist Image, but it is not required. Learn how to earn a Crown here!