word dinos, dino nerds, we've got them all
Paralogos are parasaurolophus-esque creatures whose existence is centered and focused upon exactly 1 human word or term of language. They are the main "major" species on Lingua that has magical influence over the humans that residue on the planet.
Whifflings are small, imp-like creatures that take on the appearance of various animals that center themselves around scents and smells. The first Whifflings arose from the world of Lingua itself, in a similar, but slightly different fashion than Paralogos did. A species more akin to fairies or spirits. A less-prevalent species on Lingua than Paralogos.
Familiars, more commonly called Companions (even Pets by some), are a strange phenomenon. They take on many shapes and forms, but only very, very rarely appear as anything resembling a dinosaur-like species. Their appearance is determined by the theme/focus of the individual they are bonded to. They cannot be bonded to humans.
When called Pets, this is often in reference to those bonded to Whifflings instead, as then they may take on a weak magical ability. When bonded to Paralogos, this phenomenon does not occur.
Individuals who have become bonded to Paralogos formally, see Chapter 7: Bonds for deeper information. Caretakers have their bonded Paralogos linked in their descriptions.