Level 6
Level 6 - Concept of Mind
This level encloses terms which are only the results of thought and/or only exist as a result of human creation, or imagination.
This includes feelings, morals, phobias and mental states as well as ways of thinking.
While these words tend to be common in daily speech-- these Paralogos are supposedly the hardest to take shape.
They may also seem to sometimes be in a state of flux, or change. This is the highest level of abstract concepts.
F.e.: Nytophilia, Justice, Happiness
Level 5
Level 5 - Experienceable but not Palpable
This level encloses terms describing impressions and events, as well as anything non-palpable which does not fit into any other level.
Palpability simply relates to the ability to "touch" something, or be able to grasp it. Effectively, anything abstract is not palpable.
F.e.: Thunderstorm, Silence, Halloween
Level 4
Level 4 - Actions & States of Being
This level encloses words which describe how, when, or what to do or be - meaning all verbs and adjectives are part of this level.
Paralogos which center themselves around terms such as this may also find themselves drawn to the related action, skill or state.
F.e.: Hiking, Small, Happy
Level 3
Level 3 - Alive with Intellect
This level encloses every word that describes a living being which possesses a form of sentience. This includes both animals and humans.
There is no delineation between levels of sentience or sapience with this category. (Sapience relating more to a kind of wisdom, or ability to act.)
"Human" words can be sometimes considered "jobs", such as the word "thief".
F.e.: Reindeer, Pegasus, Vampire
Level 2
Level 2 - Alive but without Intellect
This level encloses all kinds of plants or organisms who are neither considered objects nor animals.
Put another way- is that these words tend to be based on living things lacking a full form of sentience, the ability to feel, perceive, or experience.
F.e.: Ginkgo, Apple, Yeast
Level 1
Level 1 - Non-Living
Every Paralogos who is associated with a non-living object such as Stones, Food, or just other items in general, is called a "Level 1 Paralogos".
Those are the most common words, and also the most common kind of Paralogos. They are also the most concrete words.
F.e.: Cupcake, Opal, Petroleum
Whifflings whose highest trait rarity is Special. An example of such a trait is being a Crossbreed.
Whifflings whose highest status rarity is Elemental. Elemental status is granted to Whifflings whom possess 3+ Fae traits and 3+ Devilish traits.
Whifflings whose highest status rarity is Fae. Fae Whifflings possess 3 + Fae Traits.
Whifflings whose highest status rarity is Devilish. Devilish Whifflings possess 3 + Devilish Traits.
Whifflings whose highest trait rarity is Rare.
Whifflings whose highest trait rarity is Uncommon.
Whifflings whose highest trait rarity is Common.
This level of Companion Design Allows for: Dinosaurs (can include fictional features).
This level of Companion Design Allows for: Mythical Animals (anything fictional).
This level of Companion Design Allows For: Normal Animals (both existing and extinct)*
*You are allowed to use unnatural colors for Normal Companions as long as they fit to the main character's design.
However, please note that adding any other type of unnatural feature (bonus limbs / transparency / magical abilities / etc) will make it a Mythical Companion, regardless of the creature's species.
Individuals who have become bonded to Paralogos formally, see Chapter 7: Bonds for deeper information. Caretakers have their bonded Paralogos linked in their descriptions.