Submission (#2706) Approved

4 October 2022, 21:07:22 EDT (2 years ago)
5 October 2022, 21:03:39 EDT (2 years ago) by mewhaku


Word: Wrinkled Peach Mushroom
Level: 2
Language: English
Meaning: Rhodotus is a genus in the fungus family Physalacriaceae. It is a monotypic genus and consists of the single mushroom species Rhodotus palmatus, known in the vernacular as the netted rhodotus, the rosy veincap, or the wrinkled peach. This uncommon species has a circumboreal distribution, and has been collected in eastern North America, northern Africa, Europe, and Asia; declining populations in Europe have led to its appearance in over half of the European fungal Red Lists of threatened species


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Level 2 Book Level 2 Book Purchased from Ink Market by Jingletail for 71 Ink. Purchased 4 October 2022, 21:03:08 EDT 1

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