Submission (#2601) Approved

20 August 2022, 15:12:37 EDT (2 years ago)
20 August 2022, 18:20:40 EDT (2 years ago) by mewhaku


Word: Planet
Level: 1
Language: English
Meaning: A planet is a large, rounded astronomical body that is neither a star nor its remnant. In the Solar System, planets are defined as celestial bodies that: orbit the Sun, have enough mass to maintain a hydrostatic equilibrium shape, and have achieved dynamical dominance such that there are no other bodies of comparable size nearby other than its natural satellites.


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Item Source Notes Quantity
Level 1 Book Level 1 Book Purchased from Ink Market by kazulthedragon for 95 Ink. Purchased 20 August 2022, 14:58:23 EDT 1

kazulthedragon's Bank

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