Submission (#1419) Approved

14 August 2021, 00:47:28 EDT (3 years ago)
17 August 2021, 19:43:23 EDT (3 years ago) by Mouse


Word: Blue Rose
Level: 2
Language: English
Meaning: A blue rose is a flower of the genus Rosa (family Rosaceae) that presents blue-to-violet pigmentation instead of the more common red, white, or yellow. Blue roses are often used to symbolize mystery or attaining the impossible. However, because of genetic limitations, they do not exist in nature. In 2004, researchers used genetic modification to create roses that contain the blue pigment delphinidin. [Wikipedia]


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Level 2 Book Level 2 Book Purchased from Ink Market by Andie for 75 Ink. Purchased 29 November 2020, 16:58:19 EST 1

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