[Closed] A Pair of Vain Flowers

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku
OTA: PARA-653-Narcissus[Closed]
ParalogosLevel 2
Design: mewhaku ・ Art: mewhaku

48 Hours after last offer.

See description for preferences.

OTA: WHIFF-167-Narcissus[Closed]
Design: mewhaku ・ Art: mewhaku

48 Hours after last offer. ・ Offer Here

See description for preferences.

Hi all, I'm bringing you a duo of two Narcissus based Lingua designs today- with direct influence from not only the flower (daffodils) but touches of the original Narcissus mythology! A tragic tale... but something I've found to be an intriguing bit of mythology behind why daffodil heads droop. 

Both are OTA Sales with the preferences being as follows: USD > Art > Character Trades!
Minimum USD offer should be $15 or higher!


Please note- regarding claim edits and withdrawals, you must discuss with the seller before doing either. Please keep good etiquette, otherwise sales may be invalidated. Thank you! By purchasing a Paralogos design, you are also agreeing to World of Lingua's Terms of Service, and any additional Terms of the character's designer. You can see all available designs for sale on LogosLibrary 's account as well!



mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Please offer here for Narcissus (Whiffling)!

2022-01-15 13:03:37 (Edited 2022-01-15 13:03:46)

Inkcess Avatar
Featured by Owner

https://www.deviantart.com/inkcess/journal/Commissions-and-Customs-841775549 I can offer 45$ worth of art or customs as priced here - including Fantele/Fainara Customs(https://fanteles.com/info/OA-Inkcess)

Some more recent art examples:

Art will be finished within a month with regular wips provided

2022-01-15 22:45:26 (Edited 2022-01-17 13:08:06)

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Hey there, I have decided to go with your offer! Can you DM me on Discord to arrange details? Thank you!

2022-01-17 13:08:02

Shane Avatar

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Please offer here for Narcissus (Paralogos)!

2022-01-15 13:03:27 (Edited 2022-01-15 13:03:44)

Kei Avatar
Featured by Owner

Hiya!! I'd like to offer $20 to start!! :)

2022-01-15 14:35:40 (Edited 2022-01-17 13:06:50)

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

And I'd like to accept your offer! Can you DM me on Discord to arrange? Thanks!

2022-01-17 13:06:44

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