[Closed] Bright Blooms In A Cold Season

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku
Flatsale: WHIFF-153-Rafflesia[Closed]
Design: PromptoBeans ・ Art: PromptoBeans
Price: $25.00

Flatsale: PARA-640-Black-Prince-Snapdragon[Closed]
ParalogosLevel 2
Design: PromptoBeans ・ Art: PromptoBeans
Price: $25.00

OTA: PARA-641-Devils-Claw[Closed]
ParalogosLevel 2
Design: PromptoBeans ・ Art: PromptoBeans

A week after the first offer.

Money > Art > WoL Site Items Preferred.

OTA: PARA-642-Nutmeg-Seed[Closed]
ParalogosLevel 2
Design: PromptoBeans ・ Art: PromptoBeans
Autobuy: $25

A week after the first offer. ・ Offer Here

Money > Art > WoL Site Items Preferred.

OTA: PARA-643-Velvet-Bean[Closed]
ParalogosLevel 2
Design: PromptoBeans ・ Art: PromptoBeans

A week after the first offer. ・ Offer Here

Money > Art > WoL Site Items Preferred.

Update: Nutmeg Seed has been altered to an OTA. The previous flat sale price has been set as it's autobuy value.

We hope you'll enjoy this bright burst of colorful plant and flower themed Linguan creatures from PromptoBeans!!

All Payments go through PayPal! You can claim a design in the comments below made by PromptoBeans

Two of the Paralogos are Offer to Adopts, and the rest of the designs are all Flatsales of $25 USD each.

Please note- regarding claim edits and withdrawals, you must discuss with the seller before doing either. Please keep good etiquette, otherwise sales may be invalidated. Thank you! By purchasing a Paralogos design, you are also agreeing to World of Lingua's Terms of Service, and any additional Terms of the character's designer. You can see all available designs for sale on LogosLibrary's account as well!



PromptoBeans Avatar
Featured by Owner

Offer Here for Velvet Bean.

2021-12-12 14:14:07 (Edited 2021-12-12 14:20:56)

Inkcess Avatar

I'd like to offer 3 fullbodies for them, examples in my gallery but if you want more I can fetch some.

2022-03-23 00:34:16

PromptoBeans Avatar

I'd love to accept your offer! Please message me on Discord/TH/DA whichever is easier for you~

2022-03-30 01:58:14

PromptoBeans Avatar
Featured by Owner

Offer Here for Devil's Claw.

2021-12-12 14:13:55 (Edited 2021-12-12 14:20:52)

Zevhara Avatar

I could offer art for this one? Open to discussing how much!
I could do a fullbody like this:
Or a couple headshots/icons like this:
(I can always remove the name/border for that style)

2021-12-26 21:44:13

PromptoBeans Avatar

Its been a week officially and I'd like to accept your offer!
If you could message me on Discord for the deets that would be amazing!

2022-01-01 20:59:18

PromptoBeans Avatar
Featured by Owner

Offer Here for Nutmeg Seed.

2021-12-12 14:13:30 (Edited 2022-03-23 12:12:34)

draculaelliot Avatar

Hello there! I would like to offer for them the following WoL items:
Dinosaur Companion Card x1
Unlimited Companion Card x2
Small Mutation Potion x1
Snapshot x4
Spark of Insight x1

Any combination of them!
Have an amazing day, thank you!

2022-03-23 12:18:55

PromptoBeans Avatar

I've decided to go with another offer! Thank you for considering to offer.

2022-03-30 01:59:17

Shane Avatar

Hi! I would be willing to offer 2 fullbody chibis (Can do anthro, feral, or humanoid)! Examples here: https://www.worldoflingua.com/user/Shane/gallery (Other than sketch headshots)
Turnaround: 2 weeks!

2022-03-23 12:18:50

PromptoBeans Avatar
Featured by Owner

Comment Here to claim Black Prince Snapdragon.

2021-12-12 14:13:13 (Edited 2021-12-12 14:20:43)

justlikesoup Avatar

i'd like to claim please <3

2021-12-12 15:37:19

PromptoBeans Avatar

Please send me a message on Discord :3

2021-12-12 16:01:45

PromptoBeans Avatar
Featured by Owner

Comment Here to claim Rafflesia.

2021-12-12 14:12:59 (Edited 2021-12-12 14:20:40)

Jingletail Avatar

May I claim this one?

2021-12-20 13:18:09

PromptoBeans Avatar

Of course! Please send me a message on Discord :3

2021-12-20 13:24:09

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