Site News

Whiffling Achievements are here!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Mouse

Hello all! We're finally ready to release the feature you've all been waiting for: Whiffling Achievements!


Whiffling Achievements are here!

That's right!
From this moment on, you can head over to the freshly updated Achievement System page to find out what Whiffling achievements you're able to earn & how, and what sort of rewards are waiting for you!
Hint: One of them has to do with Mavericks =)
Please note that from now on, when claiming achievement rewards please specify whether you're claiming Paralogos or Whiffling milestones.

We've also got three new trophy-equivalent items for you to collect:

for completing the achievement:
"Silver Star"
for completing the achievement:
"Gold Star"
for completing the achievement:
"Bronze Star"

Just like with Paralogos achievements, once you've earned one of these Ribbons, you will be displayed on the Spotlight MVP Display.

We do have to point out that not all achievements are currently earnable.
Namely, Pet Magic, Crowns, and Breeding-related achievements are unachievable until their related feature is released.
These three features are at the top of our to-do list, but until then please simply take this as a teaser for things to come!
Thank you all for you patience =)

The Wicked + Maverick Auction is tomorrow!

A quick reminder that the Maverick Whiffling and Wicked Paralogos MYO Slot auctions will be held on Saturday (1/22/22) at 7pm EST!
Auctions will end 24 hours after the last bid.
Note that while the auction IS for a MYO Slot, the winners will have the option to either design it themselves or have it designed by either mewhaku or Mouse !

January Spotlight & Updates

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku


Firstly we have had a major recently News Post in the form of Maverick Whifflings & The Year of Competitions Event. So please check it out! 

The AUCTION for two special MYO Wicked Paralogos and MYO Maverick Whiffling Slots [which can be designed by mewhaku or Mouse for free if desired!] will be on January 22nd! Stay tuned for more details on exact starting time.

We also per user suggestion on the Discord increased the size of Trait Search Boxes on the Masterlist, and have special Discord roles for the Year of Competitions Event.


The new Monthly Prompt has been released: TYOC: New Resolutions vs Old Goals. Remember this is part of the Year of Competitions event!





The Spotlight member this month is Shadonut !

We picked Shadonut this month for all of the amazing advice and WIPs on your designs you're mentioned recently, thank you for your continued service as an Official Artist as well!

Thank you again for making this group a better place.

As a repeat nomimation member will already have a card, this is more of an honorary distinction than an additional bonus.

We thank you so again for making this group a better place. And we wouldn't be what we are without you!


This month #636 Eastern Dragon and #132 Freshly Cut Grass have taken the winning spots in our poll!

They belong to Fulgarite and Deyan respectively!

Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of January will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.

The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.


Finally... we honor:

This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! There were so many wonderful things uploaded this past month, we included more than normal! Please view our Gallery for more.



Please visit LogosLibrary to see who is still up for sale in general.
We have the Sales page on site too! 


And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of January-
Oboe !

Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!

Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.

Chaotic Discovery & a New Year of Competitions

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku
A New Year brings New Changes...

We welcome the equivalent to Wicked Paralogos- Maverick Whifflings, onto the World of Lingua website!

This is in preparation for the Whiffling Achievements system releasing later this month, thank you all so much for being patient with us!

[Again, please do not send in submissions for that until it fully releases! We need to make a functioning spreadsheet and pages for it.]

Maverick Whifflings are a unique Whiffling type that seems to rebel against their "normal" forms, going beyond the expressions of Devilish, Fae, and Elemental subtypes. We'll be having an Auction for both a Wicked Paralogos MYO Slot and a Maverick Whiffling MYO Slot within the month of January! So please stay tuned.

On that note- there's some big plans ahead for the year in the World of Lingua in terms of Prompts, an Event for the year [2022].

Noticing the entrance of a Wicked Paralogos and Maverick Whiffling as the year turned- Paprika wonders.. which of the two is better, stronger even? But fortunately, before he could ask that specific question, his caretaker figured it'd be a good idea to stop him there.

Regardless: Paprika ended up getting the idea of starting several competitions this year, which is how the Year of Competitions was born!


Let's introduce the rules. And yes, this does count as an Event entry for any associated Achievements if you enter in any given month!

People get 1 ticket per month they provide a submission, with a maximum of 3. [It does still count if you collab with someone on the same side.]

These tickets will go to a Wicked or Maverick raffle to be rolled in January 2023. [The winner can pick whichever they'd prefer.]


On the premise that a user creates a submission every single month:

After 4 unique months, the base ink or cap reward gets doubled to 10 for every submission made in the months after. (Submissions made during the 4th month do not count.) [This would trigger in April, counting for May and onward.]

After 6 unique months, the user gains a Mysterious Simple Bag. [This would be for June.]

After 9 unique months, the base ink or cap reward becomes tripled, to 15 for every submission made in the months after, and the bonus reward gets doubled to 10. This means someone could earn a total of 25 ink & 10 caps OR 10 ink & 25 caps. (Submissions made during the 9th month do not count.) [This would trigger in September, counting for October and onward.]

On the 12th month, if the user has made a submission in all 11 months prior, they receive a Mysterious Fancy Bag. [December specifically.]

What's This? - 2021 Holiday Scavenger Hunt Event

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku
"What's going on... Who are you and what have you been upto?"

Celyn glared at this... Whiffling? Who seemed quite angry at the entire current situation...

Someone had been stealing items in the general city of Sermos... and it seems that a Whiffling was the culprit. Was this the perpetrator?

"Wouldn't you like to know! Thanks for messing it up!" >:/

The Whiffling replied. 

It seems this Whiffling was hiding gifts...

They look like this:

You'll need to go around the site and find 6 of these!

Please note these facts about the Scavenger Hunt:

All the Hunt targets can be found on mobile devices as well as desktop! They are not on Masterlist Entries or user profiles.

They CAN be in places like lore pages for example, sales, Encyclopedia entries..

Or news posts to give a few examples. Please do not hint at locations, or be negative about how hard or easy locations might be.

You will have from December 25th until the end of the year to hunt for these gifts!

Perhaps this Whiffling isn't mean...though they seem to be a thief [probably]. Seems you may get something additionally if you find them all.

Enjoy the season and gather up some presents for your Paralogos or Whiffling characters!

Happy Holidays for whatever you're celebrating- and we hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!

December Spotlight & Updates

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku


Hello everyone! So we're working on things as always and hope you enjoy the holidays later this month!

Some smaller updates- we do have the Bonds (Chapter 7) Lore page updated to include Whifflings and their relations with Caretakers! We hope you enjoy the read. We have also updated the "Inventory" section on user pages to be renamed "Recent Items", since that's a more accurate description of the feature. 

I (Mew) would like to mention that I have for the most part finished moving locations offline, still working on getting some smaller things out/odds and ends before our move-out inspection, but things are calming down! I miss everyone online!!! But I did want to update everyone. =) Things are coming in terms of updates, our admin team is working hard on things with all the bumps of offline life. I personally invite you to read our Monthly Prompt's text this month as it may be interesting in terms of things brewing... 


The new Monthly Prompt has been released: Cold, Colder, Coldest





The Spotlight member this month is Samm !

We are so happy to see you've joined the site more actively semi-recently and love seeing you and your works around on site and on Discord especially! ! We wanted to honor you for that, so you're in the Spotlight this month!

Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:

[Which we are still working on use wise, thank you for your patience.
You can of course claim the Achievement for becoming Spotlight Member!]


We thank you so again for making this group a better place. And we wouldn't be what we are without you!



This month #498 Fossil and #140 Old Book have taken the winning spots in our poll!

They belong to Oboe and Howee respectively!

Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of December will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.

The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.


Finally... we honor:

This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! There were so many wonderful things uploaded this past month, we included more than normal! Please view our Gallery for more.



Please visit LogosLibrary to see who is still up for sale in general.
We have the Sales page on site too! 


And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of December-
Samm and Jingletail !

Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!

Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.

Quality of Life Updates & New Lore Section!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku
Today we have some Quality of Life Updates we'd like to share along with some other News!


As per some recent suggestions [on our Discord server, recently updated to be called World of Lingua!] we've added the following:

1. Traits are now categorized on the Masterlist! Meaning you don't have to scroll down just alphabetically anymore. They're under headers!

2. We now have a left-hand sidebar for News and Sales that more clearly allows for navigation on these pages- and Sales showing OPEN/CLOSED Sale entries more easily!

We also have a COMPLETELY NEW section to our Lore page regarding a catalog of previous Prompts! While they won't give special rewards anymore, perhaps one of them could inspire an art or writing piece if you're in need of some inspiration? =) [Many thanks to Speedy for putting this together!]

And finally, we are nearing completion of all the Art Assets for the Whiffling Achievements update. It is NOT DONE yet- as we still need to prepare the split to the Achievements page and make additional backend work such as spreadsheets to keep proper logs. So stay tuned!

We think you'll enjoy the final goal this additional Achievements set up will have too... !

November Spotlight & Site Updates

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku


Hello everyone! We hope you enjoyed the little Halloween Advent event and look forward to more in the future! We have a few things of note to mention in the last bit of updates, things coming up, and similar!

Firstly, we now have a clock on site at the bottom of all pages. Helps keep track of site time much easier. We also had some updates to our user page layout where you can see user Gallery uploads on that page as well, and two sections for Paralogos and Whiffling Achievement boxes. You may have noticed the Whiffling Achievement items are all now on site. We're hoping to get that fully uploaded soon. I (Mew) am moving houses offline this month so unfortunately I can't finish art assets super speedily, though writing assets are easier to complete on the go.  We'll keep you posted of any new updates! But feel free to browse those and their requirements to prepare!

TO CLARIFY: Do NOT send in Whiffling Achievement claims until the feature is released. We are simply giving a tease to this in progress feature right now. 


The new Monthly Prompt has been released: Night of Lights





The Spotlight member this month is Inkcess !

We picked Inkcess this month for all of the continued submissions and designs you've made as of late- we appreciate and adore your enthusiasm for this group, and thank you for bringing your creativity into the group with yourself!

Thank you again for making this group a better place.

As a repeat nomimation member will already have a card, this is more of an honorary distinction than an additional bonus.

We thank you so again for making this group a better place. And we wouldn't be what we are without you!



This month #605 Paranormal Investigator and #90 Parsley have taken the winning spots in our poll!

They belong to Fulgarite and PromptoBeans respectively!

Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of November will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.

The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.


Finally... we honor:

This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! There were so many wonderful things uploaded this past month! Please view our Gallery for more.



Please visit LogosLibrary to see who is still up for sale in general.
We have the Sales page on site too! Looks like we're clearing out some of the older friends that have been looking for homes!


And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of November-

Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!

Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.

Grab your Trick or Treat Bags! 2021 Halloween Event!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku
Ahaha, you thought we weren't prepared for the most spooky season of Tricks and Treats!

Not to worry friends and members of all kinds, Jack and Monty have you covered.

Our Advent Calendar of Trick or Treat Bags Starts October 17th!

By logging into the site once per day from October 17th - October 31st

and if you head to this link,

you'll be able to receive this mysterious item:

Inside of it, you'll be able to pick one of the following:


And reap faublously spooky rewards! 

This is a claiming style event, no extra participation is needed!
You'll receive an extra goodie if you claim all the days some say... 

Enjoy the season and reap some hauntingly amazing rewards for your chosen species!

We're working on more site features in the shadows... but please enjoy your tricks and treats in the mean time! :D

Affiliate Requests are Open! + More News

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku

Hello all! We're nearing the midpoint of the month and have a few more dedicated things to say, especially since we bumped the Spotlight News Post a few times already.


Affiliate Requests are now Open!

This means that you can follow the link above [it is also on the home page bottom left] and submit an application to be an affiliate of our site. We do have an icon for users who don't have the 100x50 icons [basically how DeviantArt had group icons] prepped for their endeavors already. It is shown here:

We accept other Lorekeeper ARPG sites [and DeviantArt Groups amongst other options] and creative projects, just not links to solo individual personal pages or commission links for example. 

We are actively working on Whiffling Achievement Assets!

We do have all of the future Achievements for the Whiffling species written out and our major reward planned, so we hope you'll enjoy the feature once it is able to live with all required artwork and page updates. This month is turning out to be quite busy, so you'll have to excuse us for asking you to wait a bit longer. 

Canto, a previous mascot of the Whiffling species, will be our Whiffling representative for the Achievements feature. Not to worry, Libra is still the presiding force for the Paralogos side of things.

...and stay tuned for more this month!


It appears there's a chill in the air, after all, old Jack and Monty seem to be stirring up some trouble. Monty, supposedly in his past, had been known to invite some interesting events into the local Whiffling community. Jack, of course, has starred in some previous prompts of a spookier nature. 

October Spotlight & More News!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by mewhaku


Another UPDATE - 10/7/21 - Achievements [Awards] have now been moved from inventory items into your Award Case! We're working on continuing to clean up and organize the feature as well as prep the Whiffling prong of the feature too. =) If there's any errors, just let us know!


FLASH UPDATE- Late on October 1st Night...!

We have been able to bring quite a few updates online… although the main team of administrators is quite busy offline this weekend so stay tuned for the more functional parts of these updates!

Amongst others, our main add-ons you should be aware of are the Affiliates Add-On and Awards [Achievements] Add-On. We will be bringing more details on these in the coming days, in terms of 1) how to join as an affiliate site AND 2) Bringing our Paralogos Achievement Items over to the Awards function AND bringing on Whiffling Achievements! [Finally!] Some other quality of life add-ons have been updated, such as fixing some bug fixes in Scavenger Hunts and similar. Assuming all goes well, we are actively working on some features like Co-Owners as well! Speedy ’s working hard getting them online, and Mouse and mewhaku are working on polishing and adding to these features!


Hello all! We appreciate your patience in awaiting more site features- our main admin team has been quite busy this month offline for various reasons. We are actively working on adding more extensions and activities as we approach Halloween...!

I will say- this month you'll have some fun things to look forward to! Including a series of adoptables, mainly Paralogos but some Whifflings as well, almost every week in the coming month! Our recent set from @xJaydreamerx kicks this series off which you may have seen previously! =) And of course... today we have a Fall themed set from Shadonut ! So definitely check things out this month!


Also, a small clarification and note moving forward in terms of Whifflings species guidelines. We've found that it seems unclear what amount needs to have influence from the scent involved, so moving forward we've added the following to the Whiffling Design Guide [the Do's Section]:

"A Whiffling's Scent Influence needs to either have indirect themeing (colors or general style that make the influence clear), AND/OR approximately 25% or more of that scent influence directly on the body (incl. body parts like tails, skirts, hair, etc. that are made to look like the scent).
Essentially, if you can remove a few flowers (for example) and you don't get the context that it is a floral scented Whiffling, that's too little." 

Any designs that may not fit this will be grandfathered in/require no changes, but we're realizing after looking at the Masterlist that Whifflings seem to in some cases be facing an issue of not looking enough like their Scent Influence. On more abstract scents this has a bit more "up to interpretation", but for things like plants, flowers, and objects, this should be an easier clarification to follow.


The new Monthly Prompt has been released: Homely Haunts





The Spotlight member this month is Jingletail !

We picked Jingletail this month for all of the wonderful new characters and submissions that they've added since joining! Such a lovely and kind start to your time here in the World of Lingua. Thanks so much for being here!

Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:

[Which we are still working on use wise, thank you for your patience.
You can of course claim the Achievement for becoming Spotlight Member!]


We thank you so again for making this group a better place. And we wouldn't be what we are without you!



This month #601 Rebirth and #129 Freshly Brewed Coffee have taken the winning spots in our poll!

They belong to Jingletail and Speedy respectively!

Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of October will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.

The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.


Finally... we honor:

This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! There were so many wonderful things uploaded this past month! Please view our Gallery for more.



Please visit LogosLibrary to see who is still up for sale in general.
We have the Sales page on site too!


And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of October-
Shrike , bonnbonn , Fafnir , and Andie!

Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!

Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.