Site News
A New Year - January News & Spotlight
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku
Holy Moly! Another year behind us- a new year ahead... and there are some big updates coming this group's way!
Our Annual Wicked and Maverick Auction is now LIVE - you can check that out here! Featuring pre-made designs by mewhaku and Mouse !
Secondly, this is a MAJOR update based on user commentary and suggestions.
There is now a New Shop, mysteriously called the Black Market. Seems Aithne (Amber Maverick Whiffling) and Poki (Spooky Paralogos) are somehow running it. You'll need a key to go there, unlocked after claiming either the Wicked Paralogos MYO Book award or the Maverick Whiffling MYO Ticket award from completing Achievements. We'll be retroactively awarding this key to anyone who has achieved either of those rewards.
Within the Black Market, you'll find some extremely rare items for sale... Wicked Books (1000 Ink) and Maverick Tickets (1000 Bottlecaps).
It seems these items have gained much more power in Lingua, as they now can also be redeemed for Design Updates. This will irrereversibly change a normal Paralogos or normal Whiffling into either a Wicked Paralogos or Maverick Whiffling.
Please remember, once you "upgrade" your character to either of these states... it cannot be changed. Canonically and lore-wise, this is a forward-only change. Triceridos are not affected by these items either.
Also, as part of this change- Wicked Books and Maverick Tickets are now only redeemable as a free voucher for design by an Official Artist ONLY when it is gained from an Achievements based Award. This is to ensure our staff don't get burnt out from you high-rollers!
The next Prompt is: Winter Regalia!
This year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information! Because these months are now bi-monthly (as in there are 6 prompts TOTAL for the year), the details have changed.
This month #422 Sonder and #237 Cream Puff were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They both belong to SpicyIsopods!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of January will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
Spotlight Member
The Spotlight member this month is Kei!
Thank you so much for participating in the Discord server so much recently! We've loved seeing your plans for your Skull Paralogos in particular!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
We currently have some friends at the Linguan Preserve up for Adoption! Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!
Also, we have some characters still up for sale too!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of January-
Oboe , Kid31 , and pxcarats !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
December News + Spotlight
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku
It is now December! We hope you're all staying warm and toasty as the weather gets colder.
We finished up the Puppillars Crossover Event, and all Mementos should currently be distributed. If I missed someone, just let me know. It was a resouding success, and we hope you all had a lot of fun!
Housekeeping wise- Small reminder that prompts next year will be bimonthly - meaning a new one will be released every two months!
Also, since it is the gifting season- do remember that all gift art for other users does gain extra currency normally, no Event required! =)
The next Prompt is: Conclusions and Looking Forward
As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information!
This month #274 Gummy Frog and #287 Equinox were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
The former belongs to Howee, and the latter to Shadonut!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of December will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
Spotlight Member
The Spotlight member this month is Pooka !
We've loved seeing you get excited for Linguan species for the Crossover Event, and we hope you'll enjoy your time here going forward!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
We currently have some friends at the Linguan Preserve up for Adoption! Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art! [if there is additional artwork!]
Also, we have quite a few characters still up for sale too, particularly from the Crossover Event!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of December-
Samm and Jingletail !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
Puppillars Crossover MYO Event [CLOSED]
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku
(Art by mewhaku and Provie - creator of Puppillars)
Oh? What a curious Whiffling Ginkgo has befriended there! They've got so many arms... are they a Maverick? And they just smell like... dog fur? Or, what is that... *sniff* *sniff* Is that oatmeal shampoo?! What a strange scent for a Maverick!!
Wait, Ginkgo, what do you mean that's not a Whiffling at all?? A Pupp-what? Puppillar? Oh my god is there yet another species on Lingua we've somehow never noticed before?
What do you mean "not quite"?!
Looks like one of those strange portals that kept opening a few years back never fully closed and managed to reopen to reveal a pathway to the magical world of Arcanis! Ginkgo of course immediately began communicating and befriending the curious creatures that came through the portal, while some others began forming an exploration party that shall venture into the portal.
Seems like there's a lot of activity happening!
Hey everyone! This month we are excited to announce a collaborative event with the Puppillars group - a magical ARPG that is very near and dear to our hearts!
For those who haven't heard of Puppillars before:
It is a fun multi-species ARPG website similar to our own, set in a magical world bustling with their species Puppillars (many-legged Dog-Caterpillar hybrids), Snailcats (adorable Snail-Cat hybrids) and Arcane Fauna (animals infused with arcane magic)! To learn more about them, we recommend checking out their Beginner Guides.
The Venn-Diagram of our two communities most definitely has some overlap already, but we're excited to increase it further by sharing their ARPG with any of you who might not be familiar yet - and we've prepared some fun crossover activities to achieve that! =)
All the crossover activities will end at the end of the day, site time, on November 30th, so make sure to get your submissions in before that time!
Crossover MYO Event
As part of this event, First Time Owners are able to claim free MYO slots of any of our species they don't already have a character or MYO slot/item of. This includes: Paralogos (choice of either a level 1, level 2 or level 3 MYO slot), Triceridos and/or Whifflings (common MYO slot).
In order to claim your MYO slot(s), simply make a submission to the Crossover Event Prompt and mention in the "comments" section which slot(s) you'd like to claim.
Puppillars will also be doing the same, with First Time Owners being able to claim a Puppillars, Snailcats and/or Arcane Fauna MYO slot!
Make sure to check out their news post for all the details!
MYO Submission Bonus
To go along with the MYO event, there will also be a bonus for any and all MYO slot submissions this month! All approved MYO submissions for any species will get a bonus General Goodies Bag, which contains either a Paralogos or Whiffling-related gift!
Cross-Species Currency Bonus
As another special bonus for all members, for the month of November, members of World of Lingua can claim bonus WoL-currency for any art they do for Puppillars!
All art submitted to Puppillars' gallery in the month of November will earn a bonus of either 5 Ink or 5 Bottlecaps over here at World of Lingua!
To claim your Ink/Bottlecaps, simply make a submission to the Crossover Event Prompt including the link(s) to the art you have submitted to the Puppillars gallery, as well as whether you'd like to receive Ink or Bottlecaps!
Puppillars will be doing the same, meaning that you can also claim bonus Puppillars currency for any and all art you submit to our (WoL) gallery for the entirety of November!
Cross-Species Adoptable Set
Later this month, we will have a very fun special Guest Adoptable set by staff members from Puppillars, and in turn Puppillars will have a guest adoptable set by staff members from World of Lingua!
More details coming soon!
Special Memento
Any World of Lingua member who participates in any part of this event will receive a special Pembroke Signature Memento:
We, the WoL admin team, are so excited that we got to work together with the incredible Puppillars staff on this cross-species collab and thank them so much for making this all possible! <3
November News + Spotlight
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku
It is now November! We hope you had a wonderful spooky season~
It looks like some strange visitors [Puppillars?!] have come to Lingua.. check out the Event Post here!
Additionally, Mementos from Jack's Scavenger Hunt are being distributed as well once that ends. =)
Housekeeping wise- We had a discussion in the #suggestions channel on Discord regarding Monthly Prompts for next year. It seems people will prefer them bimontly (lasting every 2 months), so enjoy the last two monthly prompts for this year in the meantime!
The next Prompt is: Resolute Role-Playing!
As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information!
This month #768 Secretarybird and #263 Maple Pumpkin Latte were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
The former belongs to pxcarats, and the latter to wanderandfriend!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of November will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
Spotlight Member
The Spotlight member this month is pxcarats !
You've been adding some wonderful pieces into the gallery and wanted to say we noticed! Congrats!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
It looks like the Linguan Preserve is empty currently- so definitely suggest peeking at the Sales page of course. Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of November-
None noted !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
Jack's Halloween Hunt 2023 Event
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhakuHappiest of Spooky Holidays!
It appears as though ol' Jack has gone about Sermos and hidden a few Trick or Treat bags for intrepid scavengers and seekers, which look like this:
>> Jack's Halloween Hunt 2023 <<
You'll have the chance to find 7 targets across the website! You will have until October 31st at 11:59pm EST to find them!
- When you find a hidden bag, just click on it to claim it!
- They can be hidden anywhere on this site.
- All the Hunt targets can be found on mobile devices as well as desktop.
- They are not on Masterlist Entries or user profiles.
- Please do not hint at locations, or be negative about how hard or easy locations might be.
Anyone who participates in this event will be granted a special Memento once the Event ends to commemorate this Scavenger Hunt!
EDIT: Remember, these will be sent out to you as long as you've found at least 1 Trick or Treat Bag from the Hunt!
We hope you'll all have a wonderful and fun time.
October News + Spotlight
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Mouse
It is now October!
Finally it is spooky season, and we certainly have some fun things planned this month! Keep your eyes peeled for a little event in the 2nd half of October. :3c And for some seasonal adopts coming out throughout the month!
The next Prompt is: Tricky Treats
As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information! For this special October prompt, you can also earn Mysterious Trick or Treat Bags for fufilling the additional prompt requirement!
The Spotlight member this month is Shrike !
Thank you as always for your efforts as a Library Assistant and for your lovely and varied characters!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
This month #756 Klamm and #182 Black Coffee were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
The former belongs to Howee, and the latter to Shrike!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of October will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
Finally... we honor:
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Check the Linguan Preserve for characters needing new homes! As well as the Sales page of course. Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of October-
Shrike , bonnbonn , Andie , and Fafnir !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
September News + Spotlight
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Mouse
It is now September!
Things are heating up as the Fall finally rolls in- we uploaded Free to Use bases for members to utilize when creating Masterlist images for their World of Lingua characters! Major thank yous to both Mouse and Shadonut to creating them.
The next Prompt is: Regrowth and Rebirth
As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information!
The Spotlight member this month is kazulthedragon !
We love to see your participating once again the group, and we always love seeing you around!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
This month #758 Stargaze and #228 Stardust were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They former belongs to kazulthedragon, and the latter to Provie!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of August will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
Finally... we honor:
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Check the Linguan Preserve for characters needing new homes! As well as the Sales page of course. Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of September-
Mouse, RexAraneo , and Jess !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
August News + Spotlight + Bonus!
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Mouse
EDIT: A small announcement, too small for its own post - we now have Official Species Free to Use Bases for designing your WoL characters! It is under the heading of Info on the toolbar at the top of the site!
It is now August!
One more- small reminder, mewhaku has finished all Past Event Mementos! Click the link to see which Mementos you'll qualify for. A feature has been added to the Ask Questions Here Prompt to claim Past Event Mementos. All you need to do is link proof of participating in a prior event- whether that's an art entry... an old comment on a DeviantArt post- whatever proof you have!
We hope you all had fun during Art Fight for those who chose to participate!
The next Prompt is: Our Dearest Companions [And Pets]! [This is ongoing for August!]
As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information!
The Spotlight member this month is Zevhara !
Thank you so much for participating in Art Fight and attacking so many members! Fantastic job!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
This month #563 Frosted Sugar Cookie and #129 Vanilla Forest Cabin Candle were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They former belongs to @platonicharmonics, and the latter to wanderandfriend!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of August will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
Finally... we honor:
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Check the Linguan Preserve for characters needing new homes! As well as the Sales page of course. Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of August-
justlikesoup , FNGaymer , PaisleyPerson , and uzkost !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
July News + Spotlight
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Mouse
It is now July!
With the passing of June-a small reminder, mewhaku has finished all Past Event Mementos! Click the link to see which Mementos you'll qualify for. A feature has been added to the Ask Questions Here Prompt to claim Past Event Mementos. All you need to do is link proof of participating in a prior event- whether that's an art entry... an old comment on a DeviantArt post- whatever proof you have!
This past month the PHP for the website was fully updated, so hopefully that will enable more features in the future to be added too! We won't have to worry about the website going down in the meantime. We also added the new item- Crossbreed Elixirs. Did you get one from the Whiffling Pride Bags?
Also- it is now ART FIGHT time once again! We've added a new prompt specifically for submitting Art Fight attacks on other users. This year we are gifting out +3 currency of your choice for making any attack on another World of Lingua user. This means if you draw say... a Pokemon character mewhaku owns, you'd still get the currency bonus! As always, if you RECEIVE an attack on a World of Lingua character during Art Fight, please submit it to the normal Off-Site Currency queue prompt. Remember- Art Fight art links aren't visible to non-logged in users, so please submit a link to say a Toyhouse upload of the art so our mods can view it normally.
We had a wonderful Pride here on the World of Lingua and we hope you did as well! Good luck to everyone participating in Art Fight!
The next Prompt is: Our Dearest Companions [And Pets]!
As previously mentioned, this year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information!
The Spotlight member this month is Shadonut !
We loved seeing all of your Pride Festival submissions, and we always thank you for being an Official Artist!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
This month #302 Baraq and #192 Static Noise [multi eye warning] were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They former belongs to SpicyIsopods, and the latter to Andie!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of July will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
Finally... we honor:
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Check the Linguan Preserve for characters needing new homes! As well as the Sales page of course. Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of July-
Howee , tamingofthesandshrew , and Blue !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
[Event + Contest] Discord Emojis Round 2! [CLOSED ]
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhakuWe'll be happy to reveal the winners of the Discord Emoji Contest!
And we actually have 5 winners- since 1 extra emoji tied with the 4 we would've chosen normally. :3c
And remember, for each emoji that wins, they will be added to the server and the maker awarded (1) Fancy Mysterious Bag!
Our top winner is.... :ardsob: by pxcarats !
and then our 4 emojis that tied...
So pxcarats - you will receive 2 bags, Andie will also receive 2 bags, and Shadonut will receive the last one!
Provie , Howee , Jingletail and Oboe will all receive 1 Simple Mysterious Bag each as a consolation prize as well.
Hey everyone!
We're bringing back a beloved event that we haven't held for a little while!
A contest all about creating emojis for our discord server!
What are we looking for?
Paralogos OR Whiffling Emojis!
(some of the emojis we currently have on our server)
EDIT: We now have the Memento prepared for this event:
Anyone participating will get this!
1) has to feature a Paralogos/Whiffling or otherwise relate to the World of Lingua group in any way
2) has to be 100% your own art (although you can reference memes or similar)
3) has to have a size of exactly 128x128 pixels and has to be under 256kb
Characters you can use for Emojis:
- Preferably one of our many NPCs!
- You can also use one of your own character or someone else's (with explicit permission!) - please be aware, if you in the future void a character we can remove the associated emoji from the server, but try to pick a character you plan to hold onto!
What can you win?
Each winning emoji will be rewarded with one (1) Fancy Mysterious Bag!
How are winners determined?
Since the goal of this contest is finding emojis that will be used and enjoyed on our discord server, the winners will be determined via popular vote.
After the deadline has passed we will put all viable entries into a google form for all discord server members to vote on for one (1) week.
Winner emojis will be determined based on the highest amount of votes.
How many winners will there be?
We will start out with 3 winning emojis.
For every 5 entries after the 10th entry we will add another winning emoji!
Theoretically, a member could win multiple times if they submitted multiple entries.
How do you enter?
You can make a maximum of 3 entries.
To officially submit an entry, upload it to DeviantArt stash [or a similar image hosting service] and reply to this post with the following form filled out:
Image Link:
Suggested Emoji Name:
World of Lingua Character Portrayed in the Emoji (if any): (masterlist link)
Deadline: May 31st (11:59pm EST) - We'll make a folder as well for entries to this event in the Gallery - Emoji Contest 2023!