Site News
World of Lingua Meme Contest [CLOSED]
Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by mewhakuEDIT: And with the poll closed we have our 4 winners-
In 1st place we have:
Congrats Provie!!
And in a tie for 2nd - so combining 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places-
So congratulations to Howee , Shrike , and kazulthedragon!
We hope you all had a fun time with this small contest, and your gifts will be sent out momentarily! All participants have received their Memento as well.
Non-winners will receive a Mysterious Simple Bag! <3
Hey everyone!
Because of popular demand, we decided to host a contest all about creating fun and relatable World of Lingua memes!
What are we looking for?
World of Lingua related memes!
(example meme kindly provided by Jingletail)
Anyone participating will get a memento (tba) and a small participation prize!
1) Has to feature a Paralogos/Whiffling or otherwise relate to the World of Lingua group in any way
2) has to be 100% your own art (although you can of course directly reference existing memes, do draw-overs, etc.)
3) has to fall in the general category of "meme" or otherwise communicate a funny and/or relatable situation/experience.
Note: You may submit memes that do not contain any artwork (f.e. memes where only text is edited, copypastas, etc.). As long as you have put some amount of work into making it WoL-related, it can count! However, please be aware that you would not gain regular currency rewards for these types of submissions.
Characters you can use for your entries:
- One of our many NPCs!
- You can also use one of your own character or someone else's (with explicit permission!)
What can you win?
Each winning meme will be rewarded with one (1) Fancy Mysterious Bag!
How are winners determined?
Since the question of whether a meme is funny and/or relatable is very subjective, the winners will be determined via popular vote.
After the deadline has passed we will put all viable entries into a google form for all members to vote on for one (1) week.
Winner memes will be determined based on the highest amount of votes.
How many winners will there be?
We will start out with 3 winning memes.
For every 5 entries after the 10th entry we will add another winning meme!
Theoretically, a member could win multiple times if they submitted multiple entries.
How do you enter?
You can make a maximum of 3 entries.
To officially submit an entry, upload it to the Meme Contest 2024 gallery folder. No additional prompt required!
Deadline: August 2nd (11:59pm EST) [EDITED ON JULY 30th!)
August News, Spotlight, and Meme Contest Poll!
Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by mewhaku
We have entered the month of August !
We've come to finalize the Voting for the 2024 Meme Contest, please click this link and select your top 4 entries!
And with the end of August our Meme Contest voting poll is now up until August 9th. Take a look at the entries in full at the Meme Contest folder!
Remember, for our Art Fight Rewards Prompt - it is open year round. So always feel free to claim your rewards for drawing for the World of Lingua's members!
The current Prompt is: Celebrating Creativity!
This year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information! Because these months are now bi-monthly (as in there are 6 prompts TOTAL for the year), the details have changed.
This month TRI #24 and #299 Marine Fossil were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They belong to Provie and RexAraneo respectively!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of August will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
The Spotlight member this month is ... Phoenix !
We have loved seeing your lovely art of World of Lingua characters for Art Fight! Thank you for being here. <3
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be awarded a membership card:
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Wow! We have no one in the Preserve right now! They've all found homes. <3
Also, we still have some characters still up for sale though!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of August-
justlikesoup , FNGaymer , PaisleyPerson and uzkost !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
July News & Spotlight! Art Fight!
Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by mewhaku
We have entered the month of July ! And we still have our yearly Pride Event post here. This will be going on for 1 additional month (till the end of July) as a special bonus! This can ALSO STACK with Art Fight Rewards. We also have continuing from last month our Meme Contest too!
Remember- for our Art Fight Rewards Prompt - you can draw ANY characters from other World of Lingua site members to get rewards! You don't have to draw Linguan residents. So we hope for all of you enjoying Art Fight this year, that you have a blast. =)
The current Prompt is: Celebrating Creativity!
This year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information! Because these months are now bi-monthly (as in there are 6 prompts TOTAL for the year), the details have changed.
This month #571 Solace and #144 Mulled Cider were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They belong to justlikesoup and Shrike respectively!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of July will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
The Spotlight member this month is ... Oboe!
We have loved seeing your cast of characters joining into your group this last month, and the lovely gift art you've been making for others! Thank you for being here. <3!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Wow! We have no one in the Preserve right now! They've all found homes. <3
Also, we still have some characters still up for sale though!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of July-
Howee , tamingofthesandshrew , and Blue !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
[Event] Linguan Pride Festival '24 [ OPEN ]
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by mewhaku
As you enter the city of Sermos, you immediately notice that it's buzzing with people. Sure, it's usually quite crowded, but this is something else entirely.
There's upbeat music blasting from every second corner, big banners and flags adorning buildings, and big colorful floats driving slowly through the filled streets. You see humans, Paralogos and Whifflings alike running around and laughing; some are carrying big flags, some are wearing them as capes, some are holding signs.
Two of the celebrating Whifflings approach you, their paws intertwined.
"Happy Pride!" the Mouse Whiffling yells with a huge grin. "Welcome to Sermos' Pride Festival!" the other exclaims, "Is it your first time here?" She points around, smiling happily. "People from everywhere around Lingua travel here each year to have a good time. There's so much to see and do - we can show you around, if you'd like!"
Event Summary
Within the world of Lingua, often in June, there are many festivals celebrating elements of Pride. The residents of the capital of Sermos are known to have boisterous celebrations- citizens, caretakers, Paralogos, and even Whifflings, all coming together to celebrate one another and the multiplicity of their relationships towards others and themselves!
While Paralogos are known to be asexual by their own biology, there are many that have found themselves in various kinds of romantic relationships, and supportive friendships, or who find themselves happier alone or only having a Caregiver Bond.
Whifflings have been rumored to have offspring meanwhile, and find themselves in many kinds of relationships sometimes culminating in children on occasion, though our research is limited on how those situations may come about... it is worth investigating!
What can be known for sure is that Lingua spans wide and ranging groups of all kinds of individuals from every walk of life, and no matter who you are, these boisterous celebrations bring everyone into a joyous and excitable spirit!
How to Submit Entries
All event entries have to be worth at least 5 of the respective currency and have to depict one or more of the following subjects:
- A relationship of whatever kind (romantic/platonic/bond/etc.).
- A character's introspect about being alone or what kind of relationship(s) they dream of (romantic/platonic/bond/etc.).
- A character being proud, either of themselves or someone else.
- A character celebrating or being a part of the festival.
You may submit collaborations, however, every participant has to fulfill the minimum currency requirements in order to be eligible for rewards.
You may also submit monthly prompt, magic progression, or wisdom task entries as event entries, as long as they directly depict at least one of the four above mentioned subjects.
All submissions have to be new works specifically made for this event!
Who can You draw?
- Your own Paralogos, Whifflings, Companions, Pets and Caretakers
- The following NPCs/mascots: Ginkgo (demiromantic), Gin (demiromantic), Vivin (mirrorgender & pan) & Sigrid (sapphic)
- Other member's Paralogos, Whifflings, Companions, Pets and Caretakers (if their gift art / gift writing status is set to "Yes")
To officially submit an entry for this event, do the following:
- Upload the artwork/literature/etc to the correct gallery folder.
- If your entry doubles as a monthly prompt, magic, or wisdom submission, submit it to the associated gallery folder.
- Otherwise submit it to the Linguan Pride Festival folder!
- Make a new submission to the event prompt based on the instructions in the prompt description.
Every submitted event entry that fulfills the requirements will reward you with one (1) Pride Bag.
There is a Paralogos and Whiffling variant - you can freely choose which one you wish to earn for each entry!
Pride bags include currency and items related to the species in question, including loot bags/whifflebags, as well as exclusive items such as vouchers or Pair of Wings/Vial of Changing Sight!
Submitting at least one (1) event entry will also earn you the following Pride Memento at the end of the event:
This event lasts one month, from June 1st to June 30th, 11:59 pm site-time.
The event gallery folder and event prompt have a grace period of one (1) day until July 1st, 11:59 pm to allow processing of late submissions.
June News & Spotlight!
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by mewhaku
We have entered the month of Pride here in the World of Lingua! Check out our yearly Pride Event post here. We also have continuing from last month our Meme Contest too! Maybe you could even make a Pride related meme, the options are endless! There's lots to do here in June!
The current Prompt is: Sunglasses Special - Let's Clean Up!
This year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information! Because these months are now bi-monthly (as in there are 6 prompts TOTAL for the year), the details have changed.
This month #282 Oboe and #304 Overheating Computer were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They belong to Oboe and SpicyIsopods respectively!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of June will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
The Spotlight member this month is ... kazulthedragon!
Reading your Wisdom task entries as of late has been a delight- your world-building and writing is simply a pleasure. Thank you for enriching the group!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Wow! We have no one in the Preserve right now! They've all found homes. <3
Also, we still have some characters still up for sale though!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of June-
Mercury and Numiauri !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
May News & Spotlight!
Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by mewhaku
As we start to enter some warmer weather, we have a new Bi-Monthly Prompt to celebrate! Also... stay tuned for a fun event as well this month. :)
The current Prompt is: Sunglasses Special - Let's Clean Up!
This year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information! Because these months are now bi-monthly (as in there are 6 prompts TOTAL for the year), the details have changed.
This month #672 Twisted and #146 Sewer Water were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They belong to Jingletail and Howee respectively!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of May will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
The Spotlight member this month is ... Jingletail!
We've adored your pixel work this month and your general ongoing creativity- we're happy to have you here!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Wow! We have no one in the Preserve right now! They've all found homes. <3
Also, we still have some characters still up for sale though!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of May-
Fulgarite , Crab79 , and kazulthedragon !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
April News & Spotlight! [Anniversary Raffle Results!]
Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by mewhaku
Thank you all so much for participating in our Anniversary Raffle! It has been rolled-
Congratulations to our winners - wanderandfriend , absiste , justlikesoup , Oboe , Emery64 , and ObliviousNoodle !
You can see the list of prizes here, linked on the original Anniversary Post. I (mewhaku) will also reach out on Discord within a day or so if I haven't heard you claim your prize! (Have to leave a bit of time for the surprise!)
Reading all of your wonderful thoughts and memories in the comments just made my year. Thank you all again for being here! <3
The current Prompt is: Faux Spring - Interacting with Technology
This year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information! Because these months are now bi-monthly (as in there are 6 prompts TOTAL for the year), the details have changed.
This month #423 Epilogue and #161 Fast Food were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They belong to kazulthedragon and Provie respectively!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of April will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
The Spotlight member this month is ... well, let's just say everyone. :)
We ended up just celebrating everyone here last month! March was quite busy for many of us, myself (mewhaku) included. So I'll say it again from the bottom of my heart- Thank you all for being here!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Wow! We have no one in the Preserve right now! They've all found homes. <3
Also, we still have some characters still up for sale though!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of April-
mewhaku , PrincePoke , Cloudsteps , and Zevhara !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
World of Lingua 9th Anniversary Raffle! + Memento! [CLOSED]
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by mewhakuAs it is March 7th...!
We'd love to celebrate a bit, considering this day is the 9th Anniversary of the Paralogos and (by association) Whiffling Species!
mewhaku (Mew, aka me) would like to give back a little bit and hand out some gifts to celebrate the species!
In honor of the anniversary, and our site growing so large, we've made a 9th Anniversary Memento. This can be claimed (if you didn't already enter the raffle) via the Claims feature.
The reward of 9 ink and 9 caps per entrant will be rewarded alongside the 9th Anniversary Memento as part of that grant. So thank you for your patience! And thank you all for coming together to make this group and site what it is... a personal note from my (mewhaku) heart, I am so thankful for each and every one of you.
The Prizes for this Raffle will be the following:
- First Place Wins: 1 Free Custom Paralogos (Including Triceridos!) or Whiffling Design between levels 1-6 or Common - Uncommon - Rare from mewhaku OR Mouse
- Second Place Wins: 1 Free Custom Paralogos (or Triceridos!) OR Whiffling Design between levels 1-3 or Common - Uncommon from mewhaku OR Mouse
- Third Place Wins: 1 Free Shaded Fullbody Character Artwork (Preferably a Paralogos/Triceridos but can also be Whiffling, or another feral species/fantasy character) from mewhaku
- Fourth Place Wins: The same as third place!
- Fifth Place Wins: 1 Free Shaded Headshot Character Artwork from mewhaku
- Sixth Place Wins: The same as fifth place!
- All other participants: Get 9 Ink and 9 Caps for entering the raffle! and All Participants will earn a special Collectible/Memento in honor of the 9th Anniversary.
To take a look at the various examples of mewhaku's work, check her DeviantArt Gallery! (Though she'll be the first to admit she has a massive backlog of stuff to upload.) Mouse also has a gallery of their WoL pieces on site of course. *Also any Whiffling Customs will get 2* free Fae or Devilish trait, you can add additional potions as well. Alternatively, you can exchange the basic 'any custom' Whiffling reward for a custom from a Whiffling Breeding, which will be rolled as an additional free prize.
How to Earn Tickets
- Comment on this post, and state you'd like to enter the raffle! (+1 Ticket)
- Mention your favorite memory of your time with the Paralogos OR Whiffling species! (If you only recently joined, feel free to share something you're excited about for the species or its world!) (+1 Ticket)
- Advertise this raffle in up to 3 locations, with a link to this post! (Up to +3 Tickets)
The end date for the raffle is March 31st!!
February Spotlight + Gift Event! [EDIT: WINNERS!]
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku
EDIT: We have chosen the winner for Old Flame and rolled the raffle for Love is Blind!
Love is Blind has been won by Shrike !
And finally, we had an extremely difficult time judging the two wonderful entries we received for Old Flame.
We ended up judging Jingletail the winner for their entry!
HOWEVER, we would love to award some additional gifts to draculaelliot as well!
We'll gift you 1 Idiomatic Pamphlet and 1 Mysterious Simple Bag for your tremendous work!
As we move into February we have some new updates to share!
A small note, this was announced in Discord as well, but on using art that's on a base or otherwise has reused elements- you MUST include a link to either the base/reused element itself or to another piece of art on the same base/containing the same element. This is to make valuing easier for Library Assistants. You can include it in the description section of an art piece or on the submission notes! Thanks!
Also, thanks to our Official Artist Shadonut, we have two lovely Triceridos you can possibly win this month in a gift art event! (You'll also get a to be revealed Memento for participating!)
The two individuals you'll be able to enter for are...
"Love is Blind" (Raffle) & "Old Flame" (DTA/WTA)
These will close at 11:59pm EST on February 29th! EDIT: Extended until March 14th 11:59pm EST!
The current Prompt is: Winter Regalia!
This year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information! Because these months are now bi-monthly (as in there are 6 prompts TOTAL for the year), the details have changed.
This month #757 Nebula and #221 Moonlight were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They belong to kazulthedragon and Shadonut respectively!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of February will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
The Spotlight member this month is Shadonut!
Thank you so much for not only all that you do as an Official Artist- but in general your wonderful creativity!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
We currently have some friends at the Linguan Preserve up for Adoption! Remember, if you adopt a designed character from the Linguan Preserve, DM mewhaku on Discord for the character's Toyhouse page/art!
Also, we have some characters still up for sale too!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of February-
Phoenix , SpicyIsopods , Kinbrmon , Peaches99 , Rattus , and Shadonut !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.
March Spotlight & News
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by mewhaku
As we move into March (& our 9th Anniversary!!!) we have some updates. Our Anniversary Celebration will begin on March 7th as is customary.
We can give you a sneak peek of the Anniversary Memento though!!
Continuing from last month, the Triceridos themed gift-event continues! It is extended until March 14th 11:59pm EST!
We also can reveal the Event Memento item that you'll receive if you participate-
The current Prompt is: Faux Spring - Interacting with Technology
(A collaboration between Shrike and mewhaku ! Pratchett looks rather pensive here.)
This year [and possibly continuing years], we will have a scaling reward system [not a raffle] for Prompt participation. See the prompt's details for more information! Because these months are now bi-monthly (as in there are 6 prompts TOTAL for the year), the details have changed.
This month #635 Aquarium and #235 Love were voted in as our Spotlight characters!
They belong to Cryptokinku and draculaelliot respectively!
Members who draw or write about this Paralogos or Whiffling through the month of March will get a bonus +3 flat INK or +3 Bottlecaps.
The owner of the Spotlight character will not gain this additional bonus,
but are still rewarded the normal currency from having someone else draw your owned character.
The Spotlight member this month is Oboe!
We've enjoyed how many gift arts you've made recently and are always happy to see you on Discord! We love your brand of dinosaur themed shenanigans. Thank you for being a member!
Thank you again for making this group a better place.
You will be granted Mysterious Simple Bag as a thank you.
We wouldn't be what we are without you!
Finally we honor...
This is a collection of some of the wonderful artworks and writing that have been submitted to our group the last month.
Thank you all for your contributions! Please view our Gallery for more.
Wow! We have no one in the Preserve right now! They've all found homes. <3
Also, we still have some characters still up for sale though!
And finally, we'd like to make special mention of the birthdays this coming month of March-
bio-zuzu , Provie , absiste , Inkcess , and 102vvv !
Happiest of birthdays to our members celebrating this month! If you haven't signed up yet, please do as you'll get a gift!
Note: Birthday Sign-Ups are now done via Claims.
For more information on how to use this feature, please refer to the User Guide.