Annex 5 - Caretakers

If you want to make your Paralogos' or Whiffling's Caretaker Status official and earn a bit of bonus Currency, you're at the right place!

First of all, to find out what Caretakers are and to learn all about the different ways of living - with or without bonds - check out Chapter 7: Bonds.


Possible Caretaker Statuses


You can create Caretakers and assign one of the following Caretaker Statuses to each of your Paralogos and/or Whifflings:

1) Bonded (has a Caretaker)

2) Rogue (does not have a Caretaker)

3) Unknown (default)


Non-Caretaker Options


If you're not interested in having a particular Paralogos/Whiffling bond with a human, you have two (2) options.

1) Do Nothing

By default, all Paralogos/Whiffling Caretaker Statuses are listed as "unknown".
Since there is no currency-based benefit associated with specifying them as a Rogue, you can simply leave their Status the way it is.

2) Register them as a Rogue

If you enjoy being specific and sorting characters in neat categories, you can alternatively register those Paralogos/Whifflings as Rogues!

Don't worry - you can change their Status to a different option at any time!

To do so, make a new submission to the Caretaker Status Changes prompt.


How to Create Caretakers


Caretaker Bonding Rules

- A Paralogos/Whiffling can only bond with a maximum of one (1) Caretaker.

- However, a Caretaker can bond with a (functionally) unlimited amount of Paralogos and/or Whifflings.

- Every member can create as many Caretakers as they want, as long as there's at least one (1) Paralogos or Whiffling bonded to each Caretaker.

- A member's Caretaker can be bonded both to their own and other member's Paralogos/Whifflings (as long as the other member in question has given permission/confirmation).

- A Caretaker can belong to multiple members, though please note that there has to be a primary owner!

The primary owner has blanket permissions to make any changes whereas the secondary owner(s) need to provide proof of approval from all other owners (f.e. a screenshot of a conversation).

Caretaker Design Guidelines

Caretakers must be human, however, we mean this in that their core must be human.
This means full-robots are not allowed, but futuristic features or various forms of human augmentation may be present in Lingua due to the advanced technology.

Age is not restricted, however, an infant may not be conscious enough to make a formal bond with a Paralogos/Whiffling.
So in terms of "age of awareness", we allow for flexibility and character building where people feel comfortable.

How to Register Caretakers

Caretakers are free to create!

To find out how the registration process works, please read the MYO Process Guide!

Bonus Currency Rewards

If you draw a registered Caretaker, you will earn an associated currency bonus (see Earning Currency) of 1-5 each.

Please note that written work always gains rewards based on word amount and not content, which is why we don't hand out currency bonuses for writing about Caretakers with written references.


How to Make Changes


Changing the Visual Reference

You can change your Caretaker's design/artwork at any point in time, free of charge.
However, please make sure the new reference abides to the rules stated above.

To do so, simply go to their masterlist entry and click on "update design".

Changing the Caretaker Ownership

Adding or Removing Secondary Co-Owners
You can add new co-owners or remove co-owners at any point in time, as long as all co-owners approve this change.
To do so, make a new submission to the Caretaker Status Changes prompt.

(If there's issues with inactivity or hostility, please message the group so an admin can help with resolving the issue!)

Changing the Primary Owner (between co-owners)
You can change the primary owner between co-owners at any point in time, as long as both the old and new primary owner approve this change.
To do so, make a new submission to the Caretaker Status Changes prompt.

Trading/Gifting Caretakers
If you wish to hand off the ownership of a Caretaker (meaning you won't become a co-owner), you can do so via the Trading Post.
This can only be done if you're the sole owner of a Caretaker.

Changing Caretaker Status

A Paralogos/Whiffling's Caretaker Status can be changed at any point in time, free of charge.
Your options are Bonded, Rogue and Unknown.

To do so, make a new submission to the Caretaker Status Changes prompt.


Unbonding is a special case of changing a Caretaker Status. It describes the process of removing a bond between a Caretaker and a Paralogos/Whiffling.
Canonically, un-bonding only happens in extreme cases (death of the Caretaker, destruction of the library, abuse, etc).
However, we believe that members should always have the option to change their mind.
Therefore, members who un-bond a Paralogos/Whiffling from a Caretaker have the option to declare whether an un-bonding is "canon" or a "retcon".

Canon Unbonding
If the unbonding is canon, the old Caretaker will be noted as a "past Caretaker" on the Paralogos/Whiffling's masterlist entry.

Retcon Unbonding
If the unbonding is a retcon, the old Caretaker will simply be wiped off of the Paralogos/Whiffling's masterlist entry - as if they have never been bonded in the first place.
We recommend this for unbondings that happened outside of story reasons, f.e. if you want to trade the Paralogos/Whiffling to someone else and don't want them to keep their current story.

To unbond a Paralogos/Whiffling, change their Caretaker Status from "bonded" to either rogue or unknown via a submission to the Caretaker Status Changes prompt.

What to do when trading/selling/gifting a bonded Paralogos/Whiffling?

When a Paralogos/Whiffling changes owners, their Caretaker Status will stay the same by default.
If you wish for an existing bond to no longer exist for the new owner, you will have to manually unbond the Paralogos/Whiffling from the Caretaker before trading.

Though if you don't change the Caretaker Status before trading, the new owner can of course change it themselves when they officially own the Paralogos/Whiffling.

How to declare a Paralogos/Whiffling's Caretaker Status at MYO/Custom creation

To give a MYO Paralogos/Whiffling a Caretaker Status upon creation, simply mention the intended status in the "Intended Caretaker Status" line in the MYO submission comment.
This is of course purely optional. If you don't choose a status as part of that form, it will simply default to "unknown".

Just as you can request a Tier 1 Ability to be added to a Paralogos Official Artist custom, you can also request a Caretaker Status to be added to a Paralogos/Whiffling custom.