Redesign Service

Art by @/Rosedraq
Welcome to the Snapshot Shop!

"1..2…3…. SNAP! 
Hi there! I’m Memer, the caretaker of this shop! 
I see you’re seeking to update your look. Not to worry, we specialize in all sorts of styles here. 
And I’ll take your photo once you’re done getting ready!”"

Through this shop you can both pay one of the available artists to redesign your Paralogos or buy the tools necessary to do it yourself!





Here you can pay one of our official artists to redesign your Paralogos or Whiffling.
There are two types of redesigns: 

Small Redesign is a redesign where the original design is still recognizable. 
Colors, patterns and features can be changed in moderation.
Note: You can use this option as a commission for a new masterlist image without any changes - just state it in your redesign form!

Large Redesign is essentially a complete overhaul of the character's appearance. 
While it must still follow the word's/scent's theme, it doesn't have to relate to the original design at all.





Small Redesign

Any Level [Other than Wicked!] - $12
Wicked Redesign [with Wicked Book in hand ONLY!] - $30

Large Redesign

Level 1 - $12
Level 2 - $14
Level 3 - $16
Level 4 - $18
Level 5 - $20
Level 6 - $22
Wicked Redesign [with Wicked Book in hand ONLY!] - $30

Small Redesign


Large Redesign


Small Redesign

Any Rarity [Other than Maverick!] - $12
Maverick [With Maverick Item ONLY!] - $30

Large Redesign

Common - $12
Uncommon - $16
Rare - $20
Maverick [With Maverick Item ONLY!] - $30

Additional Upgrades

Upgrading Animal Influence Rarity: +$4 per rarity level
(This means that upgrading from common to uncommon (or uncommon to rare) costs +$4, and upgrading from common to rare costs +$8.)

Adding Additional Traits*: +$5 each
(Some Official Artists offer a $2.50 discount if you provide the required item for the additional trait, f.e. devilish/fae potions.)

*You can add any existing additional trait without owning the respective item by paying this fee.
(This includes devilish, fae, and special traits - animal exclusive traits are free however!)

Companions/Pets can be redesigned by an OA for a flat $8 fee.

If you wish to add a custom companion/pet to a Paralogos or Whiffling redesign, you can do so for the same flat $8 fee.
Some Official Artists offer a $1 discount if you provide the required companion/pet MYO item.

All customs come with two (2) optional free custom accessory designs.

Any additional accessories may cost a fee which will be chosen by the individual artist based on the type & amount of accessories requested.




If you're interested in a redesign, please contact one of our artists through their listed preferred contact methods with the following form:

Payment Method: (points/paypal)
Redesign Type: (small/large)
Using voucher(s)?: (yes/no, if yes make sure you have the item in your inventory)
Masterlist Entry: 
Desired Changes:

Note: You may use the following vouchers in a redesign:
9-image.png 8-image.png



[Species Creator]
Status: OPEN

Terms of Service
Will Redesign: Paralogos, Whifflings & Companions
Allows Discounts: Yes
Takes Vouchers: Yes

Contact Method: DeviantArt Notes or Discord
Payment Options: USD or dA Points

[ more design examples ]
Small - Example
blackcat.png -> 206_o1gybgWfai.png
Large - Example
yugenOld.png -> 14_G0YMoTleTM.png

[Species Co-Creator]
Status: OPEN

Terms of Service
Will Redesign: Paralogos, Whifflings & Companions
Allows Discounts: only for Whiffling additional traits
Takes Vouchers: Yes

Contact Method: Discord (Necromouser#2510)
Payment Options: USD only

[ more design examples ]
Small - Example
Necromancer.png -> 85_Xml171Bnoa.png
Large - Example
187_gsE2lefp0D.png -> 2291_cKk7emqSlO.png

[Official Artist]
Status: OPEN

Terms of Service
Will Redesign: Paralogos, Whifflings & Companions
Allows Discounts: Yes
Takes Vouchers: Yes

Contact Method: DeviantArt Notes or Discord
Payment Options: USD only

[ more design examples ]
Small - Example
patchwork.png -> 98_4F0K4LZyUG.png
Large - Example

[Official Artist]
Status: OPEN

Terms of Service
Will Redesign: Paralogos, Triceridos & Whifflings
Allows Discounts: Yes
Takes Vouchers: Yes

Contact Method: Discord or Telegram (@ iowasi)
Payment Options: PayPal

[ more design examples ]
Small - Example
Large - Example
2411_rqYalsApW1.png -> 2736_iWGH3O3yDK.png

[Official Artist]
Status: OPEN

Terms of Service
Will Redesign: Paralogos, Companions & Caretakers
Allows Discounts: Yes
Takes Vouchers: Yes

Contact Method: Discord (@ kazulthedragon)
Payment Options: Paypal (USD)

[ more design examples ]
Small - Example
1982_8HI6bkUjYh.png -> 2864_Xtq6WM2bST.png
Large - Example





Instead of paying an Official Artist, you may also update your character's design on your own!

To redesign your character, do the following:
  1. Create the new design.
  2. Obtain the required redesign items (see below).
  3. Go to the character's masterlist page and click on "Update Design" in the menu to the left, then click "Create Request".
  4. Fill out the design request accordingly:
    1. In the "Comments" section, write a list of the changes you've made to the design. Then click "save".
    2. In the "Masterlist Omage" section, upload your new masterlist image. Make sure the image and design credits are correct. Then click "save".
    3. In the "Add-Ons" section, select all required DIY items (see below). Make sure you select the correct quantities. Then click "save".
    4. In the "Traits" section, adjust the traits so that they reflect the new design. Then click "save".
  5. Once you've filled out all sections, go to the "Status" section and click on "Submit Request".
An admin will then review your update and get back to you in the next 72 hours.






A Small Redesign Kit allows you to change/touch up the design of your Paralogos while still keeping the original design recognizable.

A Large Redesign Kit allows you to completely change the Paralogos' appearance, though it still MUST follow the word's theme.
Small Redesign Kit
Price: 25 1-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop
Large Redesign Kit
Price: 50 1-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop




New Artwork

A Snapshot allows you to update the masterlist image of a Paralogos.
It doesn't allow design changes, however.
Price: 15 1-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop




Manipulating Magic/Wisdom

A De-Maginator allows you to reset either the entire magical progression of a Paralogos or one (1) specific magic ability.

A Spark of Insight allows you to grant a Paralogos their next tier of magic or wisdom.
Price: 25 1-icon.png
How to obtain: Ink Market
Spark of Insight
Price: 70 1-icon.png
How to obtain: Ink Market



A Small Redesign Kit allows you to change/touch up the design of your Companion while still keeping the original design recognizable.

A Large Redesign Kit allows you to completely change the Companion's appearance, though it still MUST match aesthetically to their Paralogos.
Small Redesign Kit
Price: 10 1-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop
Large Redesign Kit
Price: 20 1-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop




New Artwork

A Snapshot allows you to update the masterlist image of a Companion.
It doesn't allow design changes, however.
Price: 15 1-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop




Note: If you're redesigning a companion who is on their Paralogos' masterlist image you have 2 options:
1) If you have a version of the current Paralogos artwork without the companion, you can send that in with the companion redesign & we'll update it for free.
2) If you don't have that, you will have to also buy a snapshot for the Paralogos and provide a new image of the Paralogos (either with or without the companion).



A Small Mutation Potion allows you to change/touch up the design of your Whiffling while still keeping the original design recognizable. You may change the Animal Influence to one of the same rarity.

A Large Mutation Potion allows you to completely change the Whiffling's appearance, though it still MUST follow the scent's theme. You may change the Animal Influence to one of the same rarity or above/below one rarity. (If you wish to change a common Animal Influence to a rare one, you must use two potions.)
Small Mutation Potion
Price: 25 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop
Large Mutation Potion
Price: 50 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop




New Artwork

A Snapshot allows you to update the masterlist image of a Whiffling.
It doesn't allow design changes, however.
Price: 15 1-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop




Trait Changes

A Small Devilish Potion allows you to add one devilish trait to your Whiffling.

A Large Devilish Potion allows you to add three devilish traits to your Whiffling.
Small Devilish Potion
Price: 50 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Whiffle Wares
Large Devilish Potion
Price: 150 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Whiffle Wares


A Small Fae Potion allows you to add one fae trait to your Whiffling.

A Large Fae Potion allows you to add three fae traits to your Whiffling.
Small Fae Potion
Price: 50 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Whiffle Wares
Large Fae Potion
Price: 150 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Whiffle Wares




A Large Twin Potion allows you to change your Whiffling into a twin.

A Crossbreed Elixir allows you to change your Whiffling's Animal Influence to a crossbreed. If you wish to use a secondary Animal Influence that is above your available rarity, you will have to use one (or two) Large Mutation Potion(s).
Large Twin Potion
Price: 200 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Whiffle Wares
Crossbreed Elixir
Price: 200 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Black Market


A Vial of Changing Sight allows you to add Heterochromia to your Whiffling.

A Pair of Wings allows you to add Feathered Wings to your Whiffling.
Vial of Changing Sight
Price: 200 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Black Market
Pair of Wings
Price: 200 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Black Market



A Small Redesign Kit allows you to change/touch up the design of your Companion while still keeping the original design recognizable.

A Large Redesign Kit allows you to completely change the Companion's appearance, though it still MUST match aesthetically to their Paralogos.
Small Redesign Kit
Price: 10 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop
Large Redesign Kit
Price: 20 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop




New Artwork

A Snapshot allows you to update the masterlist image of a Pet.
It doesn't allow design changes, however.
Price: 15 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Snapshot Shop




Manipulating Magic

A De-Maginator can be used to remove/reset a Pet's magical ability, allowing you to redo the steps outlined above to give the Pet a different ability.

A Magical Petnip Satchel can be used to grant one (1) Pet a magical ability without completing the art/writing requirement.
Price: 25 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Whiffle Wares
Magical Petnip Satchel
Price: 35 2-icon.png
How to obtain: Whiffle Wares




Note: If you're redesigning a pet who is on their Whiffling's masterlist image you have 2 options:
1) If you have a version of the current Whiffling artwork without the pet, you can send that in with the pet redesign & we'll update it for free.
2) If you don't have that, you will have to also buy a snapshot for the Whiffling and provide a new image of the Whiffling (either with or without the companion).