A smiling Whiffling greets you.
"Hello all, welcome to the Crossing. I'm Alta, and I enjoy taking care of young Whifflings that arise through this path. Perhaps you'll come together here as well."
She smiled again, retreating further onto the path behind her.
"Breeding" or "Crossing" in Whiffling terms, is another way to acquire new Whifflings which are semi-based on existing characters.
If you'd like to develop another character this way and see if you'll get some traits, or a chance at getting a trait much more attainable via this feature (f.e. Twins or Crossbreeds), this is the way to go!
- A breeding roll produces a trait set for a new Whiffling based on two existing Whifflings that you can immediately have designed or design yourself!
- Whiffling Breeding does not produce a younger Whiffling form or any special type of Whiffling. (Since, in lore, young Whifflings are similarly a sort of "tabula rasa" as Paralogos.)
- A bred Whiffling does not need to reflect any of the features (colors, markings, etc.) of the parents. (You can of course use some cues from them in the final design, but is is not required.)
- Previously, the administrators kept track of breedings on Masterlist entries (due to a limited slot based system). It will now be kept privately on an administrator sheet to ensure accidental inbreeding doesn't happen (for Whifflings that stay with an owner). This means that there will be no public tracking of lineages or similar.
- Breeding does not necessarily reflect canon character relationships.
- If a character is sold or traded (or otherwise transferred) their past breeding history will be considered clear / not at a concern for "inbreeding".
- All Breeding Rolls are done by a member of the Administration: mewhaku or Mouse. The Official Artist selected for a Custom design then gets involved after the Breeding Roll is confirmed.
- Please note that this is merely an option for a "randomly generated MYO" or a "randomly generated Custom"! Usage of this feature is not required in the group, and only has optional Achievements for it.
In order to breed a Whiffling, you need to acquire a Breeding Roll.
You can do this via any of the following ways:
- A Breeding Voucher is a very rare item that can be exchanged for a Breeding Roll via the Whiffling Breeding prompt.
It can f.e. be obtained from opening Fancy Whifflebags!
- Through purchase of a Breeding Roll itself for $15 via the Whiffling Breeding prompt.
Purchasing a roll itself will allow you to design the resulting Make Your Own slot. The cost of the roll is paid to Group Owner mewhaku.
You can add potions to this roll to up your chances of a Twin result or similar breeding-related items.
(You can use Devilish/Fae Potions on the resulting MYO roll to add those traits directly, like a normal MYO slot. You can also purchase traits at the cost used in Customs; +$5. This can be done via a second submission to the prompt once you got the roll you wish to upgrade.)
- Through purchase of a Breeding Roll + Official Artist Designed Custom for $25 via the Whiffling Breeding prompt.
In this case the cost is paid entirely to the Official Artist involved.
This is the same process as the first route, except the OA designs the roll you get and works with you on a Custom design that way.
(This cost is discounted from some higher rarity options normally offered directly as Custom work. You can also purchase additional traits here as well.)
- There will also be raffles that have a Breeding Roll or Voucher as a final prize, which, depending on the prizes offered, will be OA- or User-designed.
- We are looking into other fun ideas as ways to obtain rolls, so some aspects are still a WIP. We are open to suggestions!
If you receive a Breeding Roll that you don't want, you have the following options:
- You always get two (2) re-rolls, for a total of 3 choices for every given breeding (MYO or Custom).
You'll then need to choose one (1) of three rolls you got. This final choice will be made into a MYO Slot once the scent is confirmed.
You cannot buy more chances.
You cannot choose multiple rolls.
- If you have a Breeding Roll based MYO Slot and decided you no longer enjoy the idea all, you may turn the resulting MYO Slot or Whiffling designed from it into the Linguan Preserve.
In this case you will get a new Breeding Voucher ONLY if this is done within 30 days of the MYO Slot's creation. This will be checked.
You will need to contact mewhaku (mewhaku#9034 on discord) to get the Breeding Voucher item, or add it to the Surrender Note.
- Finally, you don't have to design the finished roll, but the final selected roll will be made into a MYO slot nonetheless.
We don't recommend this option since if you did pay for a breeding roll, the money will have been spent for nothing ;_; !
- If you had bought a Custom Breeding, you will need to pick a roll for them to design.
If you really don't want the final Breeding Roll choice, you will only get $10 of the total cost refunded.
The design will then be completed by the Official Artist, and put up for sale normally as they choose.
Alternatively, you can also get the finished custom and try to resell it for $25 later on.
Let's look at an example Breeding Roll.
Breeding Roll:
Scent Group: Floral (common)
Scent: White Rose (common)
Animal Influence Species: Cat (common)
Other: MYO
This one is from a breeding between #59 Barley and #72 Choke Cherry:
Breeding Roll:
Scent Group: Natural (common) or Manufactured (uncommon)
[rolled Devilish Chaos Chance]
Scent: TBD, some suggestions would be Rotten Grass, Overripe Vegetables
Animal Influence Species: Mouse (common)
Other: MYO, Can use up to 1 Devilish Trait
This one is from a breeding between #18 Yellow Rose and #71 Onyx Hellebore:
Breeding Roll:
Scent Group: Floral (common)
Scent: Pick from following ideas or suggest for approval:
"Rose Quartz" Hellbore Hybrid Flower
"Lenten Rose" Helleborus orientalis
Black Baccara Rose
Azafran Rose
Animal Influence Species: Crossbreed (Cat/Dog)
Other: MYO
The Scent Group is determined via a randomized roll between the scent groups of the parents (with exact chances based on scent group rarity).
(There is a chance the resulting scent group is neither parent's. The exact chances of this happening can be found in the next section of this page!)
The Scent is determined through a mix of admin consideration (What would be a logical cross of these two scents?) and a randomized roll for complete chaos to occur.
Complete chaos means that the child gets a scent that is majorly different from the parents'.
There is a much higher chance of this happening if one or both of the parents are devilish, fae or elemental!
(If you want to find out more about the exact chances and how exactly you get to choose a scent if your roll contains "complete chaos", check out the next section of this page!)
((Though, worry not, if you do happen to get such a roll you will always get an explanation alongside it.))
The Animal Influence is determined via a randomized roll between the animal influences of the parents (with exact chances based on animal influence rarity).
(There is a chance the resulting animal influence is neither parent's, or rarely a Crossbreed between the two. The exact chances of this happening can be found in the next section of this page!)
The Other section simply denotes whether the Breeding Roll was done to be used as a MYO or a Custom.
This is predetermined via the way you obtained the roll and is never influenced by RNG.
This section gives you a breakdown of how Whiffling Breeding works in terms of percentages.
To find out more about any of the Breeding Roll categories, click on the corresponding tab above!
Note: This section goes into detail on how Breeding Roll results are determined.
Reading it is not required for a regular understanding and usage of this feature and is more for those who are curious about exact numbers/odds.
When you receive a roll, you will always be thoroughly informed about any oddities that are not covered by the explanations above.
Scent Group requires a roll.
The range for 2 common scent parents is 1-10. (or 2 uncommon, or 2 rare... etc. If they're the same rarity, it is 1-10 and follows this pattern.)
Numbers between 1-3 result in the first parent's group, 4-7 result in the second parent's group. 8-9 rolls an 'or' between the two groups. 10 rolls out a general "common". (or uncommon, or rare, etc.)
The range for 1 common parent and 1 uncommon parent is 1-20. (or 1 uncommon and 1 rare, etc. Differences of rarity by one stage.)
Numbers between 1-9 represent the common parent's group. Numbers between 10-15 represent the uncommon parent's group. Numbers 15-17 roll an 'or' between the groups. 18-19 represents a general "common". 20 represents a general "uncommon."
The range for 1 common parent and 1 rare parent is 1-30.
Numbers between 1-16 represent the common parent's group. Numbers between 17-22 represent the rare parent's group. Numbers 23-25 roll an 'or' between the groups. 26 or 27 gives a general "common". 28 or 29 gives a general "uncommon". 30 gives a general "rare". There is an added chance for the bred Whiffling to go up by 1 stage rarity wise, which is an additional roll. The roll goes from 1-20 if both parents are the same group tier. If you get a 20, the bred Whiffling jumps a group rarity stage from its parents.
Aka, if you bred 2 common Whifflings, the baby is uncommon. If you breed 2 rare Whifflings, there is nowhere to go higher unfortunately!
The roll goes from 1-40 if the parents are differing tiers. If you get a 40, the bred Whiffling jumps a group rarity stage from its parents. Aka, if you bred 1 common Whiffling and 1 uncommon Whiffling, you'll get a rare scent group. Again, if you breed 1 uncommon and 1 rare, you don't have anywhere to go higher!
Scent Typing in a way requires a roll.
It is partially determined by the mod rolling the breeding, in terms of "mixing" scents.
The process is as follows- and you CAN suggest in the breeding note a potential scent mix.
First, a moderator will look at the scents. Do they seem compatible?
Aka, if you have a flower and salad, maybe something like dandelion + caesar salad, you could make a dandelion salad. Or, if you have violets + foxgloves, you get something like another purple flower. An existing example is a breeding between a red rose and a may lily, the end result was "white rose"
But if you submit a breeding of tomato + cardboard, that doesn't seem to mix too well. That ends up in the "bad" scent category. It will end up relating to either one or both of the parent smells in some negative way. It has to be in the same scent group as rolled earlier, regardless. If there was an "or" between the groups, the typing may have two suggestions listed. It may also have a "suggest" listed, in which case the moderator is looking for your input if they are confused + out of ideas!
This should not happen all too often, however. We have a nice long list of scents not in use!
- The roll for COMPLETE CHAOS of scent choice comes in as follows when neither parent is a Devilish or Fae Classification Whiffling:
- 1-10 - You hit 10 - the child picks a scent majorly different from the parents. Aka, you breed a baby floral Whiffling, one parent is a Daisy, the other a Tulip, the child picks something weird like a Devil's Hand flower. Or, you breed a baby food Whiffling, one parent is Vanilla Ice Cream, the other Chocolate Chip Cookies, the child is Strawberry Pancakes. Can be a good or bad scent.
- The roll for COMPLETE CHAOS of scent choice comes in as follows when one parent is a Devilish or Fae Classification Whiffling:
- 1-10 - You hit any number from 6-10 - the child picks a scent majorly different from the parents. Can be good or bad depending on Devil/Fae status. When both parents are Devilish or Fae (or mixed) Classification Whifflings: You simply pick any scent from the scent grouping that was rolled earlier. Good/bad-- up to you! It overrides the compatibility/incompatibility question completely.
- Finally- more CHAOS If one parent is in the Elemental Status:
- 1-10 - You hit any number from 6-10 - You can pick any scent from the group that was rolled earlier. If both parents have the Elemental Status: You simply pick any scent from that rarity category. You can override the scent group roll.
Species Influence requires a roll as well.
The range for 2 common parents is 1-10. (or 2 uncommon, or 2 rare... etc. If they're the same rarity, it is 1-10 and follows this pattern.) Numbers between 1-3 result in the first parent's species, 4-7 result in the second parent's species. 8-9 roll a "crossbreed" between the two species. 10 rolls out a general "common". (or uncommon, or rare, etc.)
The range for 1 common parent and 1 uncommon parent is 1-20. (or 1 uncommon and 1 rare, etc. Differences of rarity by one stage.) Numbers between 1-9 represent the common parent's species. Numbers between 10-15 represent the uncommon parent's species. Numbers 15-17 roll a "crossbreed" between the two species. 18-19 represents a general "common". 20 represents a general "uncommon." etc
The range for 1 common parent and 1 rare parent is 1-30.(anything with 2 steps of rarity between them.) Numbers between 1-16 represent the common parent's species. Numbers between 17-24 represent the rare parent's species. Numbers 25-27 roll a "crossbreed" between the two species. 28 gives a general "common". 29 gives a general "uncommon". 30 gives a general "rare".
There is an added chance for the bred Whiffling to go up by 1 stage rarity wise, which is an additional roll. The roll goes from 1-20 if both parents are the same group tier. If you get a 20, the bred Whiffling jumps a species rarity stage from its parents. Aka, if you bred 2 common Whifflings, the baby is uncommon, The roll goes from 1-40 if the parents are differing tiers. If you get a 40, the bred Whiffling jumps a species rarity stage from its parents.
Aka, if you bred 1 common Whiffling and 1 uncommon Whiffling, you'll get a rare species group.
This is the wildcard slot.
It is affected by the parents having rare traits or the use of items. In a sense, it is similar to the group roll-decisions depending on what item you use.
For example, there is always a "twin chance" roll. It is approx. a 10% chance of happening normally, 50% with a basic twin potion, 100% with a major twin potion.
Devilish, Fae, and other rare traits will not appear unless you have a traited parent in the mix.
If you do have a Devilish or Fae traited parent- If both parents have 1 trait, the baby will have 1 trait. Same if both have 2. A baby Whiffling can have the same amount as the parents- meaning that Elemental parents (if you have both) produce a 6 traited child. (Key note, you do not have to give the baby the same trait as the parent(s). You could give them bat wings when both parents have split tails for ex.)
For example If 1 parent has 1 devilish trait, the chance of passing it down is as follows:
There is a roll from 1-10. If you hit 10, the baby gets a trait. (This happens each time for the amount of traits the traited parent has.)
If 1 parent has at least 1 devilish trait, there is also a "bonus roll". Aka, you could have a baby born with 2 devilish traits to a parent with 1 and one parent without any at all! (The bonus roll is 1-25. If you hit 25, you'll get a bonus trait.)
The same follows for Fae parents. Elemental parents get these chances rolled twice, and will have the total choice of traits free pick from Fae or Devil traits. If you have another Neutral Rarity Trait (such as Feathered Wings): 1 Parent with Said Trait: 1-10 - You hit any number from 6-10 - The baby gets the trait. 2 Parents with Same Trait (aka Wings): You can choose whether to add the trait to the resulting Whiffling.
Finally, an additional note on Maverick Whifflings... if one is in the mix (despite their anti-social tendencies) you will have a roll of 1-100. If you hit 100... the baby will also become a Maverick.
[Species Creator]
Status: OPEN
Terms of Service
Takes Vouchers: Yes
Contact Method: DeviantArt Notes or Discord
Payment Options: USD or dA Points
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[Species Co-Creator]
Status: OPEN
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Takes Vouchers: Yes
Contact Method: Discord (Necromouser#2510)
Payment Options: USD only
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Note: Breedings will be done on-base!
[Official Artist]
Status: OPEN
Terms of Service
Takes Vouchers: Yes
Contact Method: DeviantArt Notes or Discord
Payment Options: USD only
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