[Comm] Crab Crafts
In Paralogos & Triceridos Art ・
By bonnbonn
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SpicyIsopods: Commissioned
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SpicyIsopods Staff Member
AAAAAAAAAAA HOLY HECK!!!! This turned out even more amazing than I anticipated!!!! Gosh, you captured every single one of their personalities and interests so perfectly here! Carson blowing bubbles as they work is such a delightful little touch. And all their art projects are so cute -- Aneurin bedazzling Lincoln's sculpture is especially bringing me joy sdjhfkjghkjfd~ And Glitter Everywhere, of course!!
And their DESIGNS!!! I realize these three are all varying degrees of pain-in-the-butt to draw, but their designs are all spot-on here, right down to their sizes relative to each other!! I'm especially impressed with Lincoln's frilly orange gills, Aneurin's markings, and Carson's elbow bristles!! Thank you so much, everything about this turned out absolutely fantastic and I'm so excited to finally have art of these three art pals together!!! <333
2021-04-12 09:06:01
Feature Comment