Pastorale -- Self Image

In Wisdom Tasks ・ By Oboe
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Pastorale -- Self Image
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In Wisdom Tasks ・ By Oboe

A light breeze wound its way lazily throughout the artificial park. The artificial trees sat motionless, glowing softly in the darkening evening, with the holographic leaves switched off for the night. Fake grass, cut to a specific length and encaged by a simple black fence, twitched idly as the wind flittered past each blade.

Pastorale sighed fondly to himself as he settled in between two of the metallic trees, where shade would have fallen through real leaves if they had existed. While he preferred taking strolls in the preserved forest patch, early enough to hear the dawn chorus of the few bird groups, sometimes he needed the space to get away into anything that seemed somewhat natural.

The fake grass crunched unnaturally under his clawed paws, and the flickering glow of the trees were almost overpowered even at this distance from the main streets of Sermos. Well... it wasn't perfect, but at least there was an attempt.

His spot was lovely, at least, quiet apart from the slight hum of the generators powering the lights in the park, and the breeze rustled through his bushy integument. It felt lovely, almost as wonderful as hearing a new song.

With his eyes closed to relax, he felt, rather than heard, a strange difference in the air. He could smell a crisp richness, like the forest, and the sound of an object cutting lightly through the air.

Upon opening his eyes, he was pleasantly surprised to see four autumn leaves, twirling towards him as if from nowhere...


Pastorale is a humble Paralogos. Like his namesake, he tends to be more concerned with nature and how life can be simple in the right situation. He doesn't view himself negatively, and while he prefers to be close to other Paralogos (especially as a connection to nature), their opinions of him don't really affect his own worldview or how he sees himself. Ideally, Pastorale would find himself on endless nature walks, unbothered by the hustle and bustle of some far-away city. However, he also views his tasks as a bonded Paralogos very fondly, and sees himself as a protector of nature-inspired music and sounds.

Submitted By Oboe for Wisdom TasksView Favorites
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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