Pastorale -- Daily Life
Plastic sheets from hardbound "books" (he hestitated to call them that; they didn't contain real ink and paper) littered the floor while Pastorale dug through them, seeking out any notes he might have missed on a first pass. He'd spent many hours, days really, organizing and reorganizing the shelves at the Sermos Music Insititute -- usually without consulting the staff or his caretaker first. However, his meticulous attempts to keep records of what he did, and the fact that he often found hidden treasures among the tomes, was something that made it easy to forgive him.
Ah-ha! Nestled between the smooth "pages" of preserved text, handwritten on oh-so-wonderful paper, was a thin sheet! Pastorale carefully set the container, a book on music history, aside, and carefully grasped the parchment in his clawless hands.
It appeared to be a piece of music, written by a music student from ages ago... at this moment, he had no way of telling who wrote it, when, and where they were now. It meant so much to him, however, that the composer had wanted to preserve the notes they heard singing in their head. Now, he could read them too.
Pastorale spends much of his time organizing the "books" in the Sermos Music Institute, sometimes under the direction of his caretaker Juniper Finley. Usually he's left to his own devices in the institute, unless his musical expertise is needed, so a day in his life is usually spent wandering the nearby parks or sorting through old texts for inspiration.
Submitted By Oboe
for Wisdom Tasks
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Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago