Puffin Magic: Tier 1

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Puffin Magic: Tier 1
1 ・ 0
In Magic Progression ・ By Oboe

Meet Fratercula, an extremely energetic Paralogos with a word focus based around the puffin. He is an extroverted Paralogos that enjoys hanging out with companions, loudly discussing the hottest topics, and exploring the most interesting of places. He much prefers being in the spotlight, calling attention to himself with a bright personality and appearance.

Fratercula has a personality just about as loud as his looks. He loves being the center of attention, whether he's recounting a daring adventure or telling a hilarious joke. He feels most comfortable in a loud space, such as a sports event or a raucous party. Additionally, he loves hanging out with fellow bird-themed Paralogos -- they often share tips over feather care and the best place to find a place to glide. He gets along pretty well with pretty much anyone willing to hang out with him, and he's pretty persistent in getting people to want to hang out with him.

Tier 1 Magic: Paralogos possesses several types of feathers, which are varying degrees of waterproof.
- Puffins are covered with feathers, like most birds. They use waterproofing oil to keep their feathers safe while diving, and fluffier feathers closer to the body can help keep in warmth.

Submitted By OboeView Favorites
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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