Creepypasta Magic: Tier 2

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Heavily-bandaged fingers tapped wildly over the keyboard, claws clicking against the keys at a rapid pace. Wide eyes looked desperately across the flashing web pages, and the tail tapped anxiously against the floor. While no sweat could run down the gray-and-white patterned brow, it surely would if such a thing were possible for a Paralogos.


Finally, with an earsplitting physical screech, and an anguished mental – but wordless – yell, the Paralogos collapsed back against the seat of the modified computer chair. A bandaged hand was swept across his eyes dramatically, and he drooped his head over the back of the chair in defeat. He stayed in that position for many seconds, although anyone watching would’ve noticed how he took a swift peek from underneath his hands towards the figure lying on the bed behind him.


“Chapter didn’t update yet, huh?” the human spread out casually across the bed finally asked, though she didn’t make it obvious if she had looked over to see her Paralogos in his despondent state. Her eyes were locked to a dark-bound journal in front of her, which she occasionally wrote in a few sentences or scratched out a few words. 


It wasn’t that she was disinterested in Jake. It was just a usual pattern for him, and she had grown accustomed to his flair for the overdramatic.


<<NO!>> the gray Paralogos shouted back telepathically; Paralogos, of course, were not capable of normal speech like a human. It came in handy when you wanted to direct your speech to only one listener, or to make a dramatic outburst like the one he’d had a few minutes ago.


<<I mean, it didn’t, but that’s not what I’m upset about!>> Jake continued, gradually lifting up his head and rubbing his neck from the sore spot it had gotten from being thrown over the metal chair. He spun around and threw his legs over the seat of the chair; he now sat facing backwards, with his legs dangling and his hand-claws tight against the top of the chair they now clutched.


“Oh?” The teen had a monotonous voice, but Jake Knew Her. There was definitely genuine interest in her word! 


<<The one I was reading last week, you know, the one with the guy that got a cursed game that was haunted by a ghost? I can’t find it anywhere! It’s like the author OBLITERATED it from the face of the internet!! I wasn’t even done reading it yet!>>


The teenager, Morgan, didn’t look up from her journal and didn’t look concerned, though she did appear to be thoughtful for a moment. Jake waited in barely-contained anticipation, and felt as though his eyes couldn’t get any wider and he would SURELY fall off the chair if he couldn’t stop bouncing!


“Maybe,” she started, tapping the pen against her chin, “The author just moved it to a different place on their site? You did mention they liked changing up the layout, like an ARG thing or something.”


<<Nooooooo…>> Jake whined, gripping the chair harder. <<I already LOOKED at the other places on their site! It seems to be completely gone!>>


Morgan nodded, again appearing thoughtful. “Maybe they just didn’t like it and wanted to take it down so it could be fixed?”


Jake looked aghast at the thought.


<<But it was going so well already! I couldn’t read anything that needed to be improved, and you know how good I am at spotting that stuff!>>


The slightest trace of a grin appeared on Morgan’s face, but only someone who knew the teen extremely well would’ve spotted it (like me! Jake thought boastfully). This time she finally looked up into Jake’s desperate face, at his wide staring eyes and blood-red frill flowing erratically in his agitation. She hadn’t seen her Paralogos this upset ever – at least, not since a few days ago when someone left a mean comment on one of his uploads. She’d thought he’d never get over that one…


“Well, what if you tried looking for it on other sites? Maybe the author took it down, like some kind of game, so you had to hunt for it elsewhere?”


Jake immediately leapt OVER the chair, knocking it over onto his companion cat sleeping on the ground. The cat hissed angrily and darted through the air, coming to rest at the feet of Morgan’s bed. It glared reproachfully at Jake, though even it couldn’t stay mad at him for long.


Jake cleared the distance to the bed in only a couple short paces – it wasn’t a huge room, after all – and grasped Morgan’s hand dramatically. Morgan could sense a long-winded speech coming on, but right before the telepathic speech could start,


“Why don’t you go take a look now while the idea is fresh?” she intoned, raising an eyebrow. “That way you can know for sure if it’s gone or not.”


Jake bounded immediately back towards the computer desk – his cat companion hissed in annoyance again at the sudden motion – and the moment he was settled into his seat he began typing rapidly on the keyboard again and gliding his fingers across the trackpad.


Morgan could’ve sworn that his lights seemed to be glowing more than usual, and at a much higher intensity…


After what seemed like ages, but was really only a few minutes, another physical-and-telepathic outburst came from over at the computer desk again. Morgan looked up from her journal, a slight smudge of ink across her chin from where she had been tapping her pen.


<<MORGAN,>> Jake began dramatically. <<I FOUND THE FIC!>>


“That’s great news, Jake. How did you manage to find it?”


Jake paused for a moment, uncharacteristically, and seemed to think himself for a moment. He was not usually one to reflect on his actions, which gave Morgan a brief feeling of unease.


<<It felt like I was being pulled in the right direction by something deep within me,>> Jake admitted. <<Like I somehow ALREADY KNEW that the author just misplaced the fic on an unlisted page instead of on their main site. I just KNEW automatically where to find it!!>>


Morgan looked impressed. “Sounds like you might’ve learned some new magic, bud. That kind of thing doesn’t just happen for a Paralogos, you know.”


She wished that you could cover your “mental ears” like your physical ones at the sound that Jake emitted.


<<NEW MAGIC!>> he crowed in delight, now standing on the chair and dancing on it. <<I LEARNED NEW MAGIC!!>> He held out his hands towards her, beckoning her to approach the chair.


Morgan sighed, closed her journal, and got up off the bed to hold his hands and loosely wiggled back and forth with him. It couldn’t be called dancing, really, but that didn’t matter to the little Paralogos who had just learned something new.


The joy would last approximately to the point that Jake didn’t like the twist ending the author took in their new chapter…

Creepypasta Magic: Tier 2
0 ・ 0
In Magic Progression ・ By Oboe

Jake loses track of an in-progress story, and learns something new while on the hunt to find it...

What was learned?: Paralogos can find creepypastas easily, even if they are considered “lost media.”

Submitted By Oboe for Magic Progression
Submitted: 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 weeks ago

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