[Gift] Among the Skulls
A bit about the process:
First I took the toy and modelled details to resemble your character more - the clothes, skull mask, spine. Then after a few hours when that dried, i primed it all and started painting. The base colour is actually a mix of metallical black and green, unsure if that is visible in the photos. Then i added the white bone-y parts and gradients, this time mixed a lighter, metallic green with metallic black. After that I added details like eyes and glowlights with metallic green, painted and glued the skull and started working on the base. The coloring was rather simple, but after gluing the para on, i also added crystals and a skull on a wood, to match the vibe of Necromancer! Lastly I primed it all for a less flat look and varnished it all for protection
Submitted By Howee
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Submitted: 7 months ago ・
Last Updated: 7 months ago