Hello, Mr Potato
Sunday January 1st, 2023
Hello World of Lingua!
I am Mr Potato, a humble Paralogo who resides away from the city life of Sermos, instead I have adopted a life in the countryside, where I farm for the humans. Although I possess no magical abilities and no wisdom in this life, I have managed to acquire a few select crops, and decided it was best for me to cultivate them and create more! I am a horticulturist, some of my limited supplies include potatoes (obviously), carrots and cabbages.
I am a male Paralogo, even though I sprout a little pinkish purple flower crown (that is just a result of my growing ability!). I find myself to be getting quite chubby, working out in the fields can't seem to shrug it off, so I guess I'm just on the bulkier side! Not that it is bad, of course, it keeps me warm and cozy living outside of human companionship as a wild, untrained critter. The spots on my thigh glow consistently, guiding me when I work in the night, allowing me to see what I reap and sow! I love being a potato, I honestly believe it is the best vegetable I could have been created with in mind.
I do not have many interests besides plants and flora, however these are incredibly rare on my home world, so I find this makes me much more interesting than I would be anywhere else. My hobby is not common, due to the lack of availability of organic products on this planet, but is necessary towards the survival of the people we Paraogos aide. I absolutely adore my work, and take utmost care to conjure up the best quality items I can possibly grow. I realise how important my job is, but I still consider it fun and worthy of time and love.
I do not have many friends, either, but not because I am unfriendly! It is just that many Paralogos do not stick around this far out of the civilised way of life, so I often find myself alone. This doesn't bother me much, though, as it allows me to focus on things I find most important. When I am not outside, I enjoy reading short novels and stories, and also listening to old country music.
I am excited to start my life here on Lingua!
Until I write again,
Mr Potato.
Submitted By cobain
for 2023 [1/12] Introductions
Submitted: 2 years ago ・
Last Updated: 2 years ago