Comments on [Closed] A Pair of Vain Flowers

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Please offer here for Narcissus (Whiffling)!

2022-01-15 13:03:37 (Edited 2022-01-15 13:03:46)

Inkcess Avatar
Featured by Owner I can offer 45$ worth of art or customs as priced here - including Fantele/Fainara Customs(

Some more recent art examples:

Art will be finished within a month with regular wips provided

2022-01-15 22:45:26 (Edited 2022-01-17 13:08:06)

mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Hey there, I have decided to go with your offer! Can you DM me on Discord to arrange details? Thank you!

2022-01-17 13:08:02

Inkcess Avatar


2022-01-17 13:10:54

Shane Avatar
mewhaku Avatar
mewhaku Staff Member

Thank you for your offer but I have gone with another, I appreciate the thought!

2022-01-17 13:07:41