Unknown. [Admin note: This is a more subjective question, me saying unknown doesn't mean that's 100% objective, I have no way of gauging someone's experience in that way. It's not the most common verb ever but it's not particularly rare in my opinion, it's not out of use in present language to my knowledge.]
Is this word considered archaic, or otherwise not in current common use, even if it is recognisable?
2020-12-17 17:29:55 (Edited 2020-12-17 17:32:11)
Feature Comment
LogosLibrary Staff Member
Unknown. [Admin note: This is a more subjective question, me saying unknown doesn't mean that's 100% objective, I have no way of gauging someone's experience in that way. It's not the most common verb ever but it's not particularly rare in my opinion, it's not out of use in present language to my knowledge.]
2020-12-18 07:31:54
Feature Comment