Comments on 10th Anniversary Palooza Raffles + Contest Results

SpicyIsopods Avatar
SpicyIsopods Staff Member


OOOOO we'd love to enter both raffles, please! 👀

We can't possibly narrow our favorite memories down to a single one, so let's just go with the first find memory that popped into our head. Which is that we love all the collaborative brainstorming that happens in the Word Thoughts and Scent Thoughts Discord channels! Even when we don't have the spoons to participate, it's always fun to watch people "yes, and?" each other's ideas, silly and serious alike! I think our favorite example of this phenomenon is uh, well... self-explanatory (literally):

Aaand here's an ad:

~The Spicy Isoblob

2025-03-10 22:26:21