Comments on [Closed] A Quartet of Succulents !

Shadonut Avatar
Shadonut Staff Member

Offer here for Hens and Chicks Succulent

2023-03-05 11:59:01

Oboe Avatar
Oboe Staff Member

If still available, I would like to offer the $35 autobuy!

2024-01-13 15:22:40

Shadonut Avatar
Shadonut Staff Member

Hey Oboe! My apologies but this Whiffling is no longer available. They have passed the 1 week window - I just never saw the initial reply.
However, I'm more than happy to assist you in designing another Whiffling if you'd like. (Succulent themed or not)

2024-01-14 12:23:09

Oboe Avatar
Oboe Staff Member

Sounds great — I was mostly interested in this one due to them being a chicken, not necessarily the scent itself! I’ll send you a message on Discord later. :>

2024-01-14 13:10:25

justlikesoup Avatar

hello! I can offer 3 colored fullbodies in this kind of style (human, anthro, and animal characters are all ok):

2024-01-03 09:00:44

Shadonut Avatar
Shadonut Staff Member

Hey Soup! My sincere apologies for the belated reply again. I'm glad we were able to get the details worked out over discord. I just wanted to officially reply here.

2024-01-14 12:24:41