Comments on [Closed] World Baking Day 2022

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Shadonut Avatar
Shadonut Staff Member

I'd like to offer you 5 pieces of artwork.
It could be 5 full bodies, 5 headshots, 5 chibies or some mix of the three! Would be willing to apply some simple or complex backgrounds to them depending on what interests you :)
If you're interested in interaction art then I'd wager 2-3 characters per drawing would be fair? unless you have a really specific idea that requires more characters.

Edit: Turnaround time will likely hit next month in June

2022-05-25 23:20:15 (Edited 2022-05-25 23:20:45)

Numiauri Avatar

This was a very tempting offer, but I've gone with another. Tysm~

2022-05-26 10:59:54