Comments on [Gift] Conservation -- Livelihood

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SpicyIsopods Staff Member

[Wolf] thank you very much for including my sona in this scene. i do enjoy a good learning opportunity, and even moreso if the learning opportunity in question involves canids of any sort. i quite like how you drew his face and his inquisitive (but subtle) expression. i'm also fond of how you drew his claws. you have a wonderful art style.

[Deyan] YESSSS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION!!! Just looking at this makes me nostalgic for my environmental education days and fills me with warm fuzzy feelings! Gosh you captured the Zoo Vibe so well here!!! Ally's expression has such spot on "excitedly infodumping" energy, I am LIVING! Thank you so much for including Maryoshka -- they look fantastic in your style! You even remembered the eye wrinkles!! <333

2022-05-10 06:37:50