Claim (#3447) Approved

3 March 2024, 13:58:55 EST (11 months ago)
5 March 2024, 19:24:44 EST (11 months ago) by mewhaku


I would like to use a Spark of Insight to give PARA-551-Chance their next magic tier.
Next Tier: 2
Ability: Is incredibly proficient at determining the chance (probability) of a given event occurring. The more discreet the event [eg., a dice roll], the more accurate the determination.

I would like to use a Spark of Insight to give PARA-551-Chance their next magic tier.
Next Tier: 3
Ability: This Paralogos can "heal" rigged and/or cheated games. In the sense of restoring the fair chances (probabilities) of a person winning or losing.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for PARA-551-Chance: Chance

PARA-551-Chance: Chance

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Spark of Insight Spark of Insight Purchased from Ink Market by Mouse for 105 Ink. Purchased 2 March 2024, 15:50:33 EST 2

Shrike's Bank

Currency Quantity