Claim (#3446) Approved

3 March 2024, 13:10:54 EST (11 months ago)
5 March 2024, 19:22:12 EST (11 months ago) by mewhaku


I would like to use 3 Wads of Cash to give WHIFF-77-Cobweb 3 Marks of Recognition.
How Many Prior Marks: 0

I would like to use 1 Wad of Cash to give WHIFF-281-Venom 1 Mark of Recognition.
How Many Prior Marks: 0

Thank you!


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for WHIFF-77-Cobweb: London

WHIFF-77-Cobweb: London

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for WHIFF-281-Venom: Venn

WHIFF-281-Venom: Venn

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Wads of Cash Wads of Cash Purchased from Whiffle Wares by Shrike for 53 Bottlecaps. Purchased 1 March 2024, 13:04:03 EST 2
Wads of Cash Wads of Cash Purchased from Whiffle Wares by Mouse for 53 Bottlecaps. Purchased 2 March 2024, 15:50:52 EST 2

Shrike's Bank

Currency Quantity