PARA-626-Ghost-Mantis: Vexynn
Owned by Samm
Caretaker Status: Unknown
Affiliated companion(s): none
Level 3 - concrete
Word: Mantis (Ghost)
Combination term, English, most likely in reference to the mantis appearing to blend in completely/disappear into its surroundings.
Phyllocrania paradoxa, common name ghost mantis, is a small species of mantis from Africa remarkable for its leaf-like body. It is one of the three species in the genus Phyllocrania. It is known for its distinct and exclusive camouflaged appearance of a dry weathered leaf.
Magic Status: 1 - Neophyte
Tier 1 - This Paralogos' arms have shifted in form to act and appear closer to its word focus, becoming more mantis-scythe like.
Wisdom Status: 0 - Unaware
23 October 2021, 10:26:35 EDT
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