PARA-484-Peach: Peaches
Caretaker Status: Unknown
Affiliated companion(s): none
Level 2 - concrete
Word: Peach
From circa 1400 peche, peoche, "fleshy fruit of the peach tree" (late 12c. as a surname), from Old French pesche "peach, peach tree" (Old North French peske, Modern French pêche), and directly from Medieval Latin pesca, from Late Latin pessica, variant of persica "peach, peach tree," from Latin malum Persicum, literally "Persian apple," translating Greek Persikon malon, from Persis "Persia" (see Persian).Old English had it as persue, persoe, directly from Latin. In ancient Greek Persikos could mean "Persian" or "the peach." The tree is native to China, but reached Europe via Persia.
A round stone fruit with juicy yellow flesh and downy pinkish-yellow skin.
Magic Status: 2 - Novice
Tier 1 - This Paralogos' skin has a peach-like fuzzy texture.
Tier 2 - Able to find peaches and easily determine their ripeness.
Wisdom Status: 0 - Unaware