PARA-423-Epilogue: Parthia
Caretaker Status: Bonded to CARE-49
Affiliated companion(s): none
Level 6 - abstract
Word: Epilogue
Late Middle English: from French épilogue, via Latin from Greek epilogos, from epi ‘in addition’ + logos ‘speech’.
A section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment on or a conclusion to what has happened; Also a final or concluding act or event.
Magic Status: 1 - Neophyte
Tier 1 - Those around this Paralogos feel their "end" almost in a way closing in on them. A foreboding sense of "closure".
Tier 1 - This Paralogos can fly using its wings.
Tier 1 - This Paralogos can give a small purview into an individual's "conclusion" after a major life defining event [visualized with the scroll they hold, with text forming on it during said ability].
Wisdom Status: 4 - Professor
Public Opinion | Intraspecies Opinion | Younger Days | Self Image