
Owned by Howee
Image #549

MYO Design.


Caretaker Status: Bonded to CARE-13

Affiliated companion(s): COM-92-414-1 & COM-93-414-2

Level 6 - abstract
Word: Pride

Late Old English pryto, Kentish prede, Mercian pride "pride, haughtiness, pomp," from prud (see proud). There is debate whether Scandinavian cognates (Old Norse pryði, Old Swedish prydhe , Danish pryd, etc.) are borrowed from Old French (from Germanic) or from Old English. Meaning "that which makes a person or people most proud" is from c. 1300.
First applied to groups of lions late 15c., but not commonly so used until c. 1930. Paired with prejudice from 1610s. Another late Old English/Middle English word for "pride, haughtiness, presumption" was orgol, orgel, which survived into 16c. as orgul, orgueil, from Old French orgoill (11c.), which is supposedly from a Germanic word meaning "renowned."

A feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
Also, confidence and self-respect as expressed by members of a group, typically one that has been socially marginalized, on the basis of their shared identity, culture, and experience.

Magic Status: 5 - Savant
Tier 1 - Can momentarily turn their flag's colours into any flag colours.
Tier 2 - Can sense the level of pride someone is feeling.
Tier 3 - Can help someone feel pride again.
Tier 4 - Can manipulate to a degree how proud someone may feel.
Tier 5 - Can make those around them feel pride.
Tier 6 - Can change their colour scheme to match any flag.

Wisdom Status: 3 - Scholar
Self-Image | Younger Days | Intraspecies Opinion

25 May 2020, 02:20:08 EDT

Can be gifted
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Cannot be sold
Sale Value