PARA-331-Shonen-Anime: Avril "Naruto"
Owned by Samm
Caretaker Status: Unknown
Affiliated companion(s): none
Level 6 - abstract
Word: Anime (Shōnen)
Anime: C. 1985, Japanese for "animation," a word that seems to have arisen in Japan in the 1970s,
apparently based on French animé "animated, lively, roused," from the same Latin source as English animate (adj.).
Probably taken into Japanese from a phrase such as dessin animé "cartoon," literally "animated design,"
with the adjective abstracted or mistaken, due to its position, as a noun.
Shonen: From the Japanese 少年 (shōnen, “few years”).
A style of Japanese animation and comics aimed at a younger male audience.
Magic Status: 0 - Uninitiated
Wisdom Status: 0 - Unaware
24 May 2020, 14:19:31 EDT
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