PARA-290-Guard-Dog: Octavius

Owned by Provie
Image #398
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Uploaded: 4 years ago
Last Edited: 4 years ago
No additional notes given.

Caretaker Status: Unknown

Affiliated companion(s): none

Level 3 - concrete
Word: Guard (Dog)

Guard: early 15c., "one who keeps watch, a body of soldiers," also "care, custody, guardianship," and the name of a part of a piece of armor, from Middle French garde "guardian, warden, keeper; watching, keeping, custody," from Old French garder "to keep, maintain, preserve, protect" (see guard (v.)).

Dog: "quadruped of the genus Canis," Old English docga, a late, rare word, used in at least one Middle English source in reference specifically to a powerful breed of canine; other early Middle English uses tend to be depreciatory or abusive. Its origin remains one of the great mysteries of English etymology.

A guard dog or watchdog (not to be confused with an attack dog) is a dog used to guard property against, and watch for, unwanted or unexpected human or animal intruders. The dog is discriminating so that it does not annoy or even attack the house resident people.

Magic Status: 0 - Uninitiated

Wisdom Status: 0 - Unaware

23 May 2020, 20:01:08 EDT

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