PARA-128-Kiwi: Kiwi

Owned by draculaelliot

Caretaker Status: Bonded to CARE-03

Affiliated companion(s): none

Level 2 - concrete
Word: Kiwi (Fruit)

Mid 19th century: from Maori.

A fruit with a thin hairy skin, green flesh, and black seeds.

Magic Status: 6 - Master
Tier 1 - Always smells like kiwis.
Tier 2 - Able to find and identify kiwis.
Tier 3 - Able to repair kiwi plants.
Tier 4 - Able to manipulate kiwi plants.
Tier 5 - Able to create kiwis.
Tier 6 - Able to spawn hairy parts like a kiwi.

Wisdom Status: 6 - Omniscient
Self-Image | Intraspecies Opinion | Younger Days | Public Opinion | Livelihood | Daily Life

21 May 2020, 19:32:54 EDT

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